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how to make an array with the constellation point of qam
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- the signal to be transmitted
- the qam modulated version of the signal to be transmitted
- one copy of all M possible unique inputs, for the purpose of plotting showing all of the possible constellation points
- one copy of all the unique used qam modulated data, for the purpose of plotting showing all of the possible used constellation points
- an array for calculating sub-band information
- an OFDM block
4 comentarios
- the signal to be transmitted
- the qam modulated version of the signal to be transmitted
- one copy of all M possible unique inputs, for the purpose of plotting showing all of the possible constellation points
- one copy of all the unique used qam modulated data, for the purpose of plotting showing all of the possible used constellation points
- an array for calculating sub-band information
- an OFDM block

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