How make mutiple plots in one plot
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el 11 de Mzo. de 2021
Comentada: BERG
el 11 de Mzo. de 2021
i have a little problem i want to make multiple plots on one plot so i saw some videos and try it works but the problem is in the video he used a fonction that he created. My problem is i wrote a code where i added a path so that when i want to plot my values the path will be open automatically now i want to plot all this values in the same plot so that i can see all the graphic in on plot and an don't know how to fo it. Thank for the reply.
%% Temperatur Verlauf der Abkühlkurve %%%
%% open the file with the data
for i=1:5
cd 'C:\Users\rodri\Desktop\Bias\Tests\21_03_10_400_1000_1,5'; % command open the path saved in the file Tests
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.txt'); % find the file with the txt type
xlsfile = strcat(file,'.xlsx'); % convert the txt file to excel file
excel_path_save = 'C:\Users\rodri\Desktop\Bias\Excel\'; % command save the excel file in the Excel's file
xlsfile = strcat (excel_path_save, xlsfile ); % concatenates both paths together
%% settings %%%
startpower = 0.005000; % standard power in the labview programm
pyro_min = 500; % minimum value of the Quotienten pyrometer change to pyrometer typ
pyro_max =2200; % maximum value
I_min = 0; % minimum output current value
I_max = 20; % maximum current value
%% read data %%%
table = readtable(file); % read the table
time = table2array(table(:,1)); % table of time
power = table2array(table(:, 2)); % table of power
temp = table2array(table(:, 3)); % table of temperature
%% Delete values prior to CNC-trigger %%%
startindex = find(power==startpower);
time(1:startindex-1) = [];
temp(1:startindex-1) = [];
%% current to temperature %%%
temp= temp*(pyro_max-pyro_min)/(I_max-I_min)*1000+pyro_min; % calculate and convert the value of the-
% current to the temperature
%% write Excel file %%%
header = {'Time [ms]','Temperature [°C]'};
output = [header; num2cell([time,temp])];
%% Plot %%%
for i=1:5
t_max = max(temp);
text (max(time)/2,2000,strcat('T_{max} =',{' '},string(t_max),'°C'),'FontSize',18,'FontName','Arial');
title('Temperaturverlauf der Abkühlkurve');
ax.XColor = [0 0 0];
ax.YColor = [0 0 0];
%xlim([0 roundn(max(time)+501,3)]);
xlim([0 20000]);
ylim([0 2500]);
set(gca,'FontSize',18,'FontName','Arial','XColor','k','YColor','k','ytick',[0 500,1000,1500,2000,2500],'yticklabel',{0 500,1000,1500,'°C',2500},'xtick',[0 2000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,18000,20000],'xticklabel',{0 2000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,'ms',20000});
hold on
hold on
hold on
hold on
hold on
pause (2)
that is the code i wrote i added the files that i want to plot
2 comentarios
Klaudio Luku
el 11 de Mzo. de 2021
Editada: Klaudio Luku
el 11 de Mzo. de 2021
Try to open a figure, before plotting, typing:
hold on;
% then plot ----
and i think that one single hold on is enought, better write
hold on;
% --- all the plots ---
hold off;
Respuesta aceptada
Jorg Woehl
el 11 de Mzo. de 2021
Editada: Jorg Woehl
el 11 de Mzo. de 2021
The issue is that you are opening your files in the first loop, one after another, but only the last opened file will be processed in your second loop... and five times in a row 😉
I would suggest rearranging your code as follows (I inserted a legend that displays the filename of the data instead of just 'tmax'):
%% Temperatur Verlauf der Abkühlkurve %%%
%% settings %%%
startpower = 0.005000; % standard power in the labview programm
pyro_min = 500; % minimum value of the Quotienten pyrometer change to pyrometer typ
pyro_max =2200; % maximum value
I_min = 0; % minimum output current value
I_max = 20; % maximum current value
cd 'C:\Users\rodri\Desktop\Bias\Tests\21_03_10_400_1000_1,5'; % command open the path saved in the file Tests
excel_path_save = 'C:\Users\rodri\Desktop\Bias\Excel\'; % command save the excel file in the Excel's file
%% prepare figure for plotting %%
axes('XLim',[0 20000], 'YLim',[0 2500],...
'FontSize',18, 'FontName','Arial', 'XColor','k', 'YColor','k',...
'YTick',[0 500,1000,1500,2000,2500], 'YTickLabel',{0 500,1000,1500,'°C',2500},...
'XTick',[0 2000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,18000,20000],...
'XTickLabel',{0 2000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,'ms',20000});
title('Temperaturverlauf der Abkühlkurve');
lgd = legend;
hold on;
for i=1:5
%% open the file with the data
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.txt'); % find the file with the txt type
xlsfile = strcat(file,'.xlsx'); % convert the txt file to excel file
xlsfile = strcat (excel_path_save, xlsfile ); % concatenates both paths together
%% read data %%%
table = readtable(file); % read the table
time = table2array(table(:,1)); % table of time
power = table2array(table(:, 2)); % table of power
temp = table2array(table(:, 3)); % table of temperature
%% Delete values prior to CNC-trigger %%%
startindex = find(power==startpower);
time(1:startindex-1) = [];
temp(1:startindex-1) = [];
%% current to temperature %%%
temp= temp*(pyro_max-pyro_min)/(I_max-I_min)*1000+pyro_min; % calculate and convert the value of the-
% current to the temperature
%% write Excel file %%%
header = {'Time [ms]','Temperature [°C]'};
output = [header; num2cell([time,temp])];
%% Plot %%%
t_max = max(temp);
text (max(time)/2,2000,strcat('T_{max} =',{' '},string(t_max),'°C'),'FontSize',18,'FontName','Arial');
lgd.String{i} = file;
%xlim([0 roundn(max(time)+501,3)]);
hold off;
4 comentarios
Jorg Woehl
el 11 de Mzo. de 2021
Editada: Jorg Woehl
el 11 de Mzo. de 2021
You could put them at different positions in your plot using
text (max(time)/2, 2000+i*200,... );
or something similar (you'll have to play around with it).
Otherwise, why don't you put the max. temperature directly into the legend?
lgd.String{i} = [file '; T_{max} = ' num2str(t_max) ' °C'];
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