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How to degrade red channel in underwater images to artificially increase color distortion?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I've got some good quality underwater images that have small negligible blurring and haze. Therefore, I want to use them as reference image and distort their red channel. By doing this, I can numerally (instead of visually) measure error after applying my restoring methods. For example, I want to numerally measure the effect of increasing all red intensities (by a small constant value) on error between the initial image and the restored image (since I have the reference image). On the other hand, error could be simply measured by mean square error or taking norm.
I've written the following code which uses medium transmission to degrade the red channel. Medium transmission is computed by a variant of dark channel prior proposed in " Automatic Red-Channel Underwater Image Restoration ".
Unfortunately, my code is too slow. Is there any better way to increase speed efficiency?
Use this script to run the mediumtransmissionMat() function. Assign the path to your image into fileNameDataSet.
Notice: the parameter gsdestruction is set to 3 but feel free to change it with any greater odd number.
im2 = im;
%%%%%% destructing image
gsdestruction = 3;
[medtransMat , globalBackgLight] = mediumtransmissionMat ( im , gsdestruction ) ;
im2( : , : , 1) = im2uint8( im2double( im( : , : , 1) ) .* medtransMat - ( globalBackgLight(1) ) * ( 1 - medtransMat) );
Definition of mediumtransmissionMat:
function [medtransMat , globalBackgLight] = mediumtransmissionMat ( im , gs )
%%%%%% gs must be an odd num
im = im2double(im);
imheight = size ( im , 1 ) ;
imwidth = size ( im , 2 ) ;
%% find brightest pixel in the dark channel- red
maxvalred = max ( max ( im ( : , : , 1 ) ) ) ;
indxmaxvalred = find ( im ( : , : , 1 ) == maxvalred ) ;
%% green global background light- scalar
greenglobalBackLight = im ( indxmaxvalred ( 1 ) +imheight*imwidth ) ;
%% blue global background light- scalar
blueglobalBackLight = im ( indxmaxvalred ( 1 ) +2*imheight*imwidth ) ;
globalBackgLight = double ( [maxvalred , greenglobalBackLight , blueglobalBackLight] );
%% medium transmission size is as im
mediumtransmission = zeros ( imheight , imwidth ) ;
%% gs is grid size
for r = 1:imheight
for c = 1:imwidth
%% four corners of rect
rmin = r- ( gs-1 ) /2;
rmax = r+ ( gs-1 ) /2;
cmin = c- ( gs-1 ) /2;
cmax = c+ ( gs-1 ) /2;
%% if rmin is out of boundary
if ( rmin<1 )
rmin = 1;
rmax = rmin + gs - 1;
%% if cmin is out of boundary
if ( cmin<1 )
cmin = 1;
cmax = cmin+gs - 1;
%% if rmax is out of boundary
if ( rmax>imheight )
rmax = imheight;
rmin = rmax - gs - 1;
%% if cmax is out of boundary
if ( cmax>imwidth )
cmax = imwidth;
cmin = cmax - gs - 1;
%% get gs by gs patch from image
patchImage = im ( rmin:rmax , cmin:cmax , 1:3 );
%% find the min of each patch- scalar
minpatchred = min ( min ( 1 - patchImage ( : , : , 1 ) ) );
minpatchgreen = min ( min ( patchImage ( : , : , 2 ) ) ) ;
minpatchblue = min ( min ( patchImage ( : , : , 3 ) ) ) ;
%% normalize green and blue by local back light
patchImage ( : , : , 1 ) = patchImage ( : , : , 1 ) / ( 1 - maxvalred );
patchImage ( : , : , 2 ) = patchImage ( : , : , 2 ) /greenglobalBackLight;
patchImage ( : , : , 3 ) = patchImage ( : , : , 3 ) /blueglobalBackLight;
%% min of green and blue patches-scalar
minpatch = min ( minpatchgreen , minpatchblue ) ;
minpatch = min ( minpatch , minpatchred );
%% medium transmission- scalar
mediumtransmission ( r , c ) = 1 - minpatch;
endfor % for c
endfor % for r
medtransMat = mediumtransmission;
end % end of function

Respuesta aceptada

vahid rowghanian
vahid rowghanian el 22 de Abr. de 2021
I googled on how to increase the speed of scanning images and I found circshift() function which speeds up local neighbour processing. this function also shrank the code lines a lot.
so, here is the medium transmission calculation:
function medtransMat = mediumtransmissionMat ( im , gs )
%%%%%% gs must be an odd num
%%% im must be normalize [0-1]
%%%%% add padding to im
immin =ones(size(paddedim));
imheight = size ( im , 1 ) ;
imwidth = size ( im , 2 ) ;
%% find brightest pixel in the dark channel- red
maxvalred=max(max(im(:,:,1))) ;
indxmaxvalred = find ( im ( : , : , 1 ) == maxvalred ) ;
%% green global background light- scalar
greenglobalBackLight = im ( indxmaxvalred ( 1 ) +imheight*imwidth ) ;
%% blue global background light- scalar
blueglobalBackLight = im ( indxmaxvalred ( 1 ) +2*imheight*imwidth ) ;
globalBackgLight = double ( [maxvalred , greenglobalBackLight , blueglobalBackLight] );
%%%% loop in green and blue channels to find min
for k=2:3
for i=-half:half
for j=-half:half
immin(:,:,k)=min(immin(:,:,k) , circshift(paddedim(:,:,k),[i,j]));
%%%% loop in red channel only due to different equation
for i=-half:half
for j=-half:half
immin(:,:,1)=min( immin(:,:,1) , ones(size(paddedim(:,:,1)))-circshift(paddedim(:,:,1),[i,j]));
%%%% normalize 0-1
%%% remove the padding
%%% find min in 3 channels
end % end of function

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