How can I find common peak and save it

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Phudit Kanittasut
Phudit Kanittasut el 23 de Abr. de 2021
Editada: Pratheek Punchathody el 26 de Abr. de 2021
pure_brain = readmatrix('Pure Brain Spectra.csv');
[pks,locsBr] = findpeaks(pure_brain(:,2));
LvBrain = pure_brain(locsBr,2) > 0 ; % Set Threshold = 1E+4
xBrain = 1:size(pure_brain,1);
YBrain = pure_brain(locsBr(LvBrain),2);
%max of each column
YBrain = YBrain .* 100/max(YBrain);
[pks_min,pks_max] = bounds(pks); % Minimum & Maximum Values Of pks
pure_Liver = readmatrix('Pure Liver Spectra.csv');
[pks,locsLiv] = findpeaks(pure_Liver(:,2));
LvLiver = pure_Liver(locsLiv,2) > 0 ; % Set Threshold = 1E+4
xLiver = 1:size(pure_Liver,1);
YLiver = pure_Liver(locsLiv(LvLiver),2);
% max of each column
YLiver = YLiver .* 100/max(YLiver);
plot(xBrain(locsLiv(LvBrain)), YBrain, '.r')
hold on
plot(xLiver(locsLiv(LvLiver)), YLiver, '.b')
hold off
% To find common peaks considering the threshold of 1E+4:
lB = locsBr(LvBrain);
lL = locsLiv(LvLiver);
s = max(length(lB), length(lL));
locsLivNew = [lL; false(s-length(lL),1)];
locsBrNew = [lB; false(s-length(lB),1)];
common = ismember(lB,lL);
From my code I can find the common peak (same x coordinate but different Y), But I want to save it location in form of [ x, lB,lL] in array , I can only know where the common peak occur but I need to open the data to see the Y value.
The first picture show where the common peak occur
and I need to open the data to compare where its exactly X location
  1 comentario
Pratheek Punchathody
Pratheek Punchathody el 26 de Abr. de 2021
Editada: Pratheek Punchathody el 26 de Abr. de 2021
Please refer to this Link for the answer.

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