Standardization fitlm, weird results?

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
JoE el 7 de Mayo de 2021
Comentada: Devendra el 13 de Abr. de 2024
Hi guys,
im new to machine learning and Im trying my best to get used to it. Right now Im trying to find a way to standardize my obeservations and use it with fitlm()
The problem: Im not in the range of the correct scale of the predictions after standardization. How do I fix this problem? Whats wrong with my code or with my intenion?
Example code:
load carsmall
X = [Weight,Horsepower,Acceleration];
Fulldata = [X,MPG];
Fulldata = rmmissing(Fulldata);
Testsample = [3504,130,12];
VarNames = {'Weight','Horsepower','Acceleration','MPG'};
%No standardization - dataset
% Standardization - dataset
Fulldatastd = zscore(Fulldata);
Fulldatastd = array2table(Fulldatastd,"VariableNames",VarNames);
% Train model
lm = fitlm(Fulldataclean)
lm2 = fitlm(Fulldatastd)
test = predict(lm,Testsample)
test2 = predict(lm2,Testsample)
test = 19.3335
test2 = -2.3181e+03

Respuestas (1)

Asvin Kumar
Asvin Kumar el 10 de Mayo de 2021
Editada: Asvin Kumar el 10 de Mayo de 2021
The reason your outputs aren't even in the same range is because you're comparing apples to oranges -- in two different places.
  1. Your training data (Fulldatastd) which is passed to fitlm normalizes the response 'MPG' too. So, test2 will always be in a different range, i.e, the normalized range.
  2. The training data (Fulldatastd) which is passed to fitlm is normalized but your test data isn't. So, you're predicting on an input that is out of the range of the training data.
Here's a modified version of your attached code. You can see that the outputs are now equal. Here are the changes that I've made:
  1. Normalized only the predictors - X
  2. Normalized the test point for testing
  3. Converted the calls to fitglm from fitglm(tbl) form to fitglm(x,y) form for clarity
load carsmall
X = [Weight,Horsepower,Acceleration];
Fulldata = [X,MPG];
Fulldata = rmmissing(Fulldata);
Xclean = Fulldata(:,1:3);
MPGclean = Fulldata(:,4);
Testsample = [3504,130,12];
Testsamplestd = (Testsample-mean(Xclean,1))./std(Xclean);
VarNames = {'Weight','Horsepower','Acceleration','MPG'};
% Standardization - dataset
Xstd = zscore(Xclean);
% Train model
lm = fitlm(Xclean,MPGclean);
lm2 = fitlm(Xstd, MPGclean);
test = predict(lm,Testsample)
test = 19.3335
test2 = predict(lm2,Testsamplestd)
test2 = 19.3335
  1 comentario
Devendra el 13 de Abr. de 2024
Thanks for your valuable suggestion. I am using fitlm on pca scores but results are coming very wierd. May I request you to kindly have a look on attached code data file is also attached to kindly suggest me to get correct results?
I would appreciate your kind cooperation.

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