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Mean off cell array for each column

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mehtap agirsoy
mehtap agirsoy el 17 de Jul. de 2021
Comentada: mehtap agirsoy el 18 de Jul. de 2021
Hey all, I have a cell array of (5x3) (Vel{k,l}) and each contains 20000x4 matrix. I'd like to get mean value of cell arrays over the each column.At the end I should have 1x3 cell with 20000x4 matrix. I've searched the previous questions but couldn't figure it out. Thanks in advance.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 17 de Jul. de 2021
Editada: Image Analyst el 17 de Jul. de 2021
Then maybe just try a simple for loop. Untested code:
[rows, columns] = size(Vel);
averageArray = cell(1, columns);
for col = 1 : columns
sumArray = zeros(rows, columns);
for row = 1 : rows
thisArray = Vel{row, col};
sumArray = sumArray + thisArray;
averageArray{col} = sumArray / rows;
  5 comentarios
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 18 de Jul. de 2021
This works:
% Setup to get Vel.
s = load('Vel.mat')
Vel = s.Vel;
% Now we have Vel and we can start.
[rows, columns] = size(Vel)
[rows2, columns2] = size(Vel{1,1})
averageArray = cell(1, columns);
for col = 1 : columns
sumArray = zeros(rows2, columns2);
for row = 1 : rows
thisArray = Vel{row, col};
[rows2, columns2] = size(thisArray);
fprintf('The cell of Vel at row %d, column %d contains an array that is %d rows by %d columns.\n',...
row, col, rows2, columns2);
sumArray = sumArray + thisArray;
averageArray{col} = sumArray / rows;
mehtap agirsoy
mehtap agirsoy el 18 de Jul. de 2021
Million thanks,I was stucked and you really saved my life I really appreciate

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