Hi sir, I'm living very strange problem. I'm using a .net class for serial communication. It's working very well, i can see how many data coming but never see 00 value... I didn't figured out why.. I'm able to sent any character to any device and any data rate (600-921600) and I can read any character except 0 (zero) value.
I'm working like that:
rx_available=uint32(0); TxQueue=uint32(0); num_rx=uint32(0); [status_rx,rx_available] =GetRxBytesAvailable(handles.PortOBJ, rx_available);
[status_Read,Rx_Data,num_rx] = Read( handles.PortOBJ,rx_available, num_rx);
and i try to see which data came,
Rx_Data.char or only Rx_data object , never see 0 (zero) character. How can I trabsform .net object to numeric or uint8 value.
I'm stuck in here... And after I want to share my FTDI-Xbee library, I hope...