How to integrate two columns of data in MAT LAB

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Sathyamoorti el 17 de Oct. de 2013
Comentada: Sathyamoorti el 18 de Oct. de 2013
I have two columns of data in excel and I want to double integrate it in MATLAB using Trapezoidal method. Can some one help me how to do it in MATLAB R2009b. Any help is highly appreciated.

Respuestas (1)

Wayne King
Wayne King el 17 de Oct. de 2013
Since you are on an older release, how about using dblquad() instead?
  3 comentarios
Jan el 17 de Oct. de 2013
Please explain, what you have tried so far, e.g. if the import from Excel is working already, or if this is a part of the question. Please consider Where to add more details.
Sathyamoorti el 18 de Oct. de 2013
This is the code which I have tried so far all going futile
function dispdata = wint(w,dt)
numbers = w(1:1001);
N = 2^nextpow2(N1);
if N > N1
w(N1+1:N) = 0;
df = 1 / (N*dt);
Nyq = 1 / (2*dt);
acc_freq_data = fftshift(fft(w));
disp_freq_data = zeros(size(acc_freq_data));
f = -Nyq:df:Nyq-df;
for i = 1 : N
if f(i) ~= 0
disp_freq_data(i) = acc_freq_data(i)/(2*pi*f(i)*sqrt(-1))^2;
disp_freq_data(i) = 0;
dispdata = ifft(ifftshift(disp_freq_data));
dispdata = dispdata(1:N1);
w = xlsread('rawdata1.xlsx'); dt=.02; t=[0:dt:20]; acc = trapz (w,N1); disp = wint(acc,dt); plot(t,disp,t,acc);

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