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 Please, I would like to generate triangle signal for pwm. It must start from 0 to 60 degree and then from 120 to 180 degree and then repeat itself. Could you help me if you can by coding or simulink ?
I will attach picture for clarification

MathWorks offers training for Simscape Electrical , but if you are looking for an online course, take a look at this offer.

MATLAB for Power Electronics: Simulation & Analysis

What are your thoughts about online courses? Share your opinions.

Última actividad el 23 de Ag. de 2019

When it comes to interlock time (or dead-time) between gate signals of two complementary semiconductor devices, we tend to assume that this is a must to avoid shoot-through. Is this assumption true? What are your thoughts about this? You can check the conclusions of the Workshop “Interlock Times—Necessary, Useful, or Not Needed at All?” organized by IEEE Power Electronics Society. Simscape Electrical can be used to simulate the shoot-through currents and power losses in semiconductor devices.

It is outright frustrating that I have spent an enormous amount of time trying to figure out why many expected operations just do not happen as the instructions are written/carried in a video. Following up on this new Active_PFC model & PID tuning. Local FAE pointed out that one should not start FRA from low frequencies but higher than hundreds if possible...well this trick surely worked but was it discoverable from documents? Could I have saved 100 hrs trying to figure it out? The example does not even mention this. Then the Instruction goes on to do the Estimator, obtain estsys1 data...all of which went fine with LF at 400 Hz . So far, the struggle for 1 week paid off- my data is the same as the example. I also could figure out how the drag-drop of the LTI data was working. Then you are told to go to PI-Current control block, to tune the PID.

Now I faced a brick wall. I simply do not get the Bode data displayed in the tuner tool as shown. Instead, I get an error msg at the bottom "could not find a system " or something like that. I thought maybe 2019b was the issue. So I installed R2019a. Same result: I can inspect the estsys1 data...but no plots at all. Why is it so incomprehensively convoluted to work with these tools with documentation spread all over? More precisely, how can I search for a reason for this problem & then a solution? If there are bugs in installations, should they not send fixes? Very annoying and frustrating. One more thing: they are pushing me to get "training" & consultant....why not put an effort in consolidating documentation &/or verifying models & analysis steps work as expected! Any help here will be highly appreciated.

I am trying to run matlab /simulink models for PID analysis/design/coding for a project involving nonlinear plant. The baseline model example given by MathWorks people takes 75 min in lap HP SPECTRE laptop( it has more goodies than MathWorks says one needs) just for 1 get a useful product design one will need dozens of trials. Clearly, this is not a practical path. The real system we will extend this work to is 3 times more complex! What computing machine do we look for to speed up this simulation by a factor of 10 if not more? We may have to rent one such machine at the beginning... -robin

IEEE PELS is holding it's second workshop for Design Automation for Power Electronics (DAPE). Started by Alan Mantooth and Miroslav Vasic, this workshop brings together experts to discuss the current and future direction of design automation for developing power electronics based systems. I was fortunate enough to participate last year when it was held during ECCE 2018. Alan and Miroslav did a great job to arrange the all-day session that covered trends and needs in power electronics in the Automotive and Aerospace industries. You can read an article about the workshop published in IEEE PELS magazine. You'll need to log in with your IEEE membership credentials.

It's an exciting time in power electronics with the expansion of electric vehicles, renewable energy, and general drive towards more efficient generation, delivery, and consumption of electricity. Power electronics makes all of this possible. Software is evolving to keep up with this boom to make it easier to develop power electronics-based systems.

This free webinar will be very interesting to people in this community. The professors will discuss the importance of power electronics and modeling and control algorithms in creating a sustainable future.

Be sure to register on the website.

Regards, Samvith

Many microcontroller companies support motor control development using Simulink and Embedded Coder. Here are some interesting reads about some of them. Do you know others? Let us know with your reply.

Analog Devices


Texas Instruments


The new generation of power semiconductors is making it's way into the mainstream. IEEE is hosting a webinar with Brij Singh of John Deere, who will talk about the application of SiC in an inverter for a commercial loader. You can read the abstract and register here.

Also, there is a ouTube video of a hybrid loader shown here Pretty cool.

Solar power is the fastest growing form of renewable energy. One challenge is that is requires sunlight, which means once the sun sets, you don't generate power. Energy storage (large battery packs) is one solution to capturing excess power during daylight for use during night time. Recently, Design News covered Tesla's Megapack energy storage solution. I think this is a great example of what needs to be done, to be sure, other companies are providing similar solutions, like NEC Energy Storage .

These systems have another benefit, too. They are a fast-acting form of dispatchable power , that along with renewable power, can provide stability to the power grid.

Please share your thoughts on grid-level energy storage. Is it a key component or nice to have?

can you tell how c2000_host_read_12M.slx is working and subsystems of it. its not discussed in the video morever how you ran the model f28379 in ccs and host in normal.? can you explain like step by step i tried same but got error n error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated Caused by: Error evaluating registered method 'Outputs' of MATLAB S-Function 'sserialsb' in 'online_tun/Serial Send/Serial Send'. FWRITE cannot be called. The FlowControl property is set to 'hardware' and the Clear To Send (CTS) pin is low. This could indicate that the serial device may not be turned on, may not be connected, or does not use hardware handshaking.

How can i reduce noise using oversampling in the F28335?

pradeep shankar
pradeep shankar
Última actividad el 7 de Ag. de 2019

Need srm motor model for 4 pole stator windings

Hello, I want to know if it is possible to create a signal from vectors in simulink, and in what way. Thank you very much in advance

My linear algebra book makes me solve a matrix with the help of a computer. When I tried to solve linear equations with an infinite number of solutions, Mathlab just makes some or all the entries zero. For example, with the set [1 2;2 4]=[0;0] it just gives back [0 0] for an answer. Is there a way for it to give back a parametrization of some kind?

I'm working on a simulink design, using MATLAB function. By the benefit of the MATLAB function, I got 1x10 array of which values are like [1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0], I want these values to be sent to the MOSFET's gate sequentially. I thought it would have been done with 'For loop' to send it sequentially but I found out that's not possible since it's just sensed the latest column's value so that I just saw 0 in my scope. Any idea how to do it properly? Below you can see the simulink design.

Hello: your help is greatly appreciated, I am trying to solve the following pde numerically with ode45 (if possible). There are three equations in total. I keep getting an error. know parameters: v, D(j), KL(j), cs(j) The IC and BC are provided in the m.file. pde:

    % code
% Initial, final values of independent variable
tspan = [0 7];
P=1, F2=2, F3=3;
c_initial_1= zeros(N+1,1);
c_initial_2= zeros(N+1,1);
c_initial_3= zeros(N+1,1)
if t == 0
c_initial_2(1,2) = cs(2)
c_initial_3(1,3) = cs(3)
c_initial_1(1,1) = cinj
  [t, c, kF2, kF3, kP, n2, m2, n3, m3, q, r] = ode45(@ode, tspan, c_initial_1,c_initial_2, c_initial_3);
function [dcdt] = ode(t, c, k2, k3, kP, n2, m2, n3, m3, q, r)
global N dx dxs
dcdt = zeros(N,N)
for i = 1:N
    for j = P:F3 % j== 1:3 1=persulfate, 2 Fraction 2, and 3 Fraction 3
        if j == 1
            epsilon = 1
            epsilon = 0
        dcdt(i, j) = (-v/(2*dx))*(c(i+1,j)-c(i-1,j))+(D(j)/dxs)*(c(i+1,j)...
            -2*c(i,j)-c(i-1,j))+(1-epsilon)*kL(j)*(cs(j)-c(i,j))- ...
            (1-epsilon)*k(j)*(c(i,j)^n(j)*(c(i,1)^m(j))- ...
            epsilon*kP*(c(i,j+epsilon)+c(i,j+2*epsilon))^q *c(i,1)^r
        dcdt(N+2,j) = dcdt(N-1,j)
        dcdt(0,j) = dcdt(2,j)
        if t == 0
            dcdt(1,P) = cinj 

dc(i,j)/dt=-v*(dc(i,j)/dx)+D(j)*d/dx(dc(i,j)/dx)+(1-epsilon)*kL(j)*(cs(j)-c(i,j))+(1-epsilon)*k(j)*c(i,j)^n(j) * c(i,1)^m(j) + epsilon*kp*[c(i,j+epsilon)+c(i,j+2*epsilon)]^r * c(i,1)^q

Jacky Wong
Jacky Wong
Última actividad el 19 de Jul. de 2019

Good day everyone,

I'm trying to simulate a single phase transformator by using Simulink. I've got the current values: R1 = 3 Ohm R2 = 0.03 Ohm X1 = 6.5 Ohm X2 = 0.07 Ohm Rc = 100k Ohm Xm = 15k Ohm f = 60 Hz Uprim = 2400V Usec = 240V S = 29kVA cos Phi = 0.8

And I've made the current calculations: L1 = X1/2*pi*f = 17,24 mH L2 = X2/2*pi*f = 185.68 uH Lm = Xm/2*pi*f = 39.79 H S = Urms*Irms => Irms = 120.83 A P = Urms*Irms*cos Phi = 23200 W Q = Urms*Irms*sin Phi = 17400 VAr Q>0 so Q = ohms-inductive => QL = 17400, QC = 0

I've made the current circuit and simulated it, but somehow my secondairy output voltage is only at 225Vrms. Can someone explain to me why that's the case? Did do something wrong in my calculations or in my simulation?

This is the 5th installment of the wish-list and bug report thread.
This topic is the follow on to the first Wish-list for MATLAB Answer sections and second MATLAB Answers Wish-list #2 (and bug reports). The third started out as New design of the forum - grey on white and the fourth MATLAB Answers Wish-list #4 (and bug reports) is also growing so large it is slow to load and navigate.
Same idea as the previous ones: one wish (or bug report) per answer, so that people can vote their wishes.
What should you post where?
Wishlist threads (#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6): bugs and feature requests for Matlab Answers
Frustation threads (#1 #2): frustations about usage and capabilities of Matlab itself
Missing feature threads (#1 #2): features that you whish Matlab would have had
Next Gen threads (#1): features that would break compatibility with previous versions, but would be nice to have
@anyone posting a new thread when the last one gets too large (about 50 answers seems a reasonable limit per thread), please update this list in all last threads. (if you don't have editing privileges, just post a comment asking someone to do the edit)
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