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Recently, I came across a post about the JIT compiler on this Korean blog. In the post. The writer discussed the concept of the "Compile Threshold" and how it is calculated.
"The JVM accumulates the number of calls for each method called and compiles when the number exceeds a certain number. In other words, there is a standard for checking how often it is called and then deciding, 'It is time to compile.' This standard is called the compilation threshold. But what is this and why should it be used as a standard?"
The concept of the "Compile Threshold," as used above, seems to be more commonly associated with Tracing just-in-time compilation.
The writer used the simple Java code below to calculate the threshold.
for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) {
new Object();
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
System.out.printf("%d\t%d\n", i, endTime - startTime);
Since the MATLAB execution engine uses JIT compilation, I just wanted to perform the same experiment that the writer did.
I experimented using simple codes based on the code in the blog. I iterated a function 500 time using for-loop and calculated the execution time for each iteration using tic and toc. Then I plotted the execution time for each loop as blow. First five execution times are much higher than followings (10 times!) The test is very rough so I am not sure that I can conclude "MATLAB has Compile Threshold and it is 5!" but this value is actually correct ;-)
t0 = 0;
tfinal = 10;
y0 = [20;20];
timeToRun = zeros(500,1);
for i = 1:500
tStart = tic;
[preypeaks,predatorpeaks] = solvelotka(t0, tfinal, y0);
tEnd = toc(tStart);
timeToRun(i) = tEnd;
VS Code Extension for MATLAB was introduced back in April and has been downloaded 75K times since. Do people here use VS Code for writing MATLAB code?
Earlier this year a bunch of MATLAB users got together to talk about their hobbies in a lightning talk format.
  • Using "UIHTML" to create app components and Lightning
  • Creating generative art with MATLAB
  • Making MATLAB run on the Steam Deck (it was a wager)
Do you use MATLAB for hobbies?
Matt J
Matt J
Última actividad el 15 de Oct. de 2023

Are there Matlab features which intend to satisfy your needs but fail in certain critical areas, forcing you to abandon them completely in favor of your own version or a 3rd party alternative? Perhaps these features are starting to improve with new Matlab releases, but not quickly enough? Share your own frustrations in the comments below.
Here are two of mine:
1. volumeViewier
volumeViewer is 6 years old now. It is fine when you only need to view one 3D image at a time, but I never do. In my work, I am putting several images side-by-side for visual comparison. For such work, you need to be able to programmatically change axis limits and grayscale and use linkprop to reflect these changes across all the images. With 2D image comparison, all that is possible, but volumeViewer supports none of those things. So, I resort to my own 3D viewer
2.Tomographic projection commands RADON and FANBEAM
These commands are provided in the Image Processing Toolbox seemingly for no other reason than to support homework exercises for people taking introductory tomographic imaging courses. They fail in a number of ways for people who need to do serious tomographic imaging work, producing artifacts or nonlinear effects which shouldn't be there. See for example Why isn't FANBEAM linear? or Radon Transform works unexpectedly. Moreover, the toolbox still provides tomographic projectors only for 2D imaging not 3D, even though 64-bit RAM has made volumetric imaging commonplace in Matlab for at least 10 years. Luckily, there are now freely available 3rd party alternatives like TIGRE.
Última actividad el 6 de Nov. de 2023

Have you ever learned that something you were doing manually in MATLAB was already possible using a built-in feature? Have you ever written a function only to later realize (or be told) that a built-in function already did what you needed?
Two such moments come to mind for me.
1. Did you realize that you can set conditional breakpoints? Neither did I, until someone showed me that feature. To do that, open or create a file in the editor, right click on a line number for any line that contains code, and select Set Conditional Breakpoint... This will bring up a dialog wherein you can type any logical condition for which execution should be paused. Before I learned about this, I would manually insert if-statements during debugging. Then, after fixing each bug, I would have to delete those statements. This built-in feature is so much better.
2. Have you ever needed to plot horizontal or vertical lines in a plot? For the longest time, I would manually code such lines. Then, I learned about xline() and yline(). Not only is less code required, these lines automatically span the entire axes while zooming, panning, or adjusting axis limits!
Share your own Aha! moments below. This will help everyone learn about MATLAB functionality that may not be obvious or front and center.
(Note: While File Exchange contains many great contributions, the intent of this thread is to focus on built-in MATLAB functionality.)
Última actividad el 13 de Oct. de 2023

The carot symbol on my keyboard (ˆ shift+6) doesn't work on matlab. Matlab doesn't recognize it so I can't write any equation with power symbol. I tried every possible solution on the web and it doesn't work. even in the character viewer I don't have any result when I search ''caret".
Exciting news for students! 🚀Simulink Student Challenge 2023 is live! Unleash your engineering skills and compete for exciting rewards. Submission deadline is December 12th, 2023!
Adam Danz
Adam Danz
Última actividad el 13 de Oct. de 2023

Over the weekend I came across a pi approximation using durations of years and weeks (image below, Wolfram, eq. 89), accurate to 6 digits using the average Gregorian year (365.2425 days).
Here it is in MATLAB. I divided by 1 week at the end rather than multiplying by its reciprocal because you can’t divide a numeric by a duration in MATLAB (1/week).
weeks = @(n)n*days(7);
piApprox = ((years(13)-weeks(6))/years(13) + weeks(3)) / weeks(1)
% piApprox = 3.141593493469302
Here’s a breakdown
  • The first argument becomes 12.885 yrs / 13 yrs or 0.99115
  • Add three weeks: 0.99115 + 3 weeks = 21.991 days
  • The reduced fraction becomes 21.991 days / 7 days
Now it looks a lot closer to the more familiar approximation for pi 22/7 but with greater precision!
Adam Danz
Adam Danz
Última actividad el 6 de Mzo. de 2024

I'm curious how the community uses the hold command when creating charts and graphics in MATLAB. In short, hold on sets up the axes to add new objects to the axes while hold off sets up the axes to reset when new objects are added.
When you use hold on do you always follow up with hold off? What's your reasoning on this decision?
Can't wait to discuss this here! I'd love to hear from newbies and experts alike!
The way we've solved ODEs in MATLAB has been relatively unchanged at the user-level for decades. Indeed, I consider ode45 to be as iconic as backslash! There have been a few new solvers in recent years -- ode78 and ode89 for example -- and various things have gotten much faster but if you learned how to solve ODEs in MATLAB in 1997 then your knowledge is still applicable today.
In R2023b, there's a completely new framework for solving ODEs and I love it! You might argue that I'm contractually obliged to love it since I'm a MathWorker but I can assure you this is the real thing!
The new interface makes a lot of things a much easier to do. Its also setting us up for a future where we'll be able to do some very cool algorithmic stuff behind the scenes.
Let me know what you think of the new functionality and what you think MathWorks should be doing next in the area of ODEs.
Nitin Daniel
Nitin Daniel
Última actividad el 4 de Sept. de 2023

I am trying to make a simulink model to use a MPC to reduce power consumption of HVAC system in an electric vehicle during cool down from ambient temperature to a set point temperature. Any help regarding this would be appreciated
Kindly help me correct this code to function properly. I am just learning MATLAB. i cannot get the output in abc frame. This is the code:
%----------- Define input and state parameters-----------------------------
v_dc = 350; % DC input voltage in V
m = 0.841; % modulation index
C = 4000e-6; % DC buss capacitance in uf
L_1 = 2.5e-3; % Inverter side inductance in mH
L_2 = 2.5e-3; % Load side inductance in mH
L = 0; % load inductance
C_f = 10e-6; % filter capacitance in uf
R_f = 0.7; % damping resistance in ohms
R_L = 20; % load resistance in ohms
f_s = 10e3; % switching frequency
f = 60; % System frequency
R_s = 0.01; % Capacitance of the DC circuit
I_d = 8.594; % steady state current
w = 2*pi*f; % System angular Frequency
% Define initial steady state values
v_c = 349.4; i_d = 8.594; i_q = -0.213; v_df = 285; v_qf = -120; i_Ld = 8.594; i_Lq = 0.85;
%------------------S V P W M Generator-------------------------------------
% Define reference vector Uref
U_mag = m*v_dc/2; % Magnitude of Uref
% Define switching vectors
U1 = [v_dc/2;0]; % Vector Q1
U2 = [v_dc/4;sqrt(3)*v_dc/4]; % Vector Q2
U3 = [-v_dc/4;sqrt(3)*v_dc/4]; % Vector Q3
U4 = [-v_dc/2;0]; % Vector Q4
U5 = [-v_dc/4;-sqrt(3)*v_dc/4]; % Vector Q5
U6 = [v_dc/4;-sqrt(3)*v_dc/4]; % Vector Q6
% Define sector angles
theta1 = pi/6;
theta2 = pi/2;
theta3 = 5*pi/6;
theta4 = 7*pi/6;
theta5 = 3*pi/2;
theta6 = 11*pi/6;
% Define duty cycles for each switch using a for loop
for t=0:1/f_s:1/f % Time variable from 0 to one cycle of system frequency with steps of switching frequency
U_phase = w*t; % Phase of Uref (t is time variable)
U_alpha = U_mag*cos(U_phase); % Alpha component of Uref
U_beta = U_mag*sin(U_phase); % Beta component of Uref
if (0 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta1) % Sector 1
T1 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T2 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T1 - T2;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T1 + T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T2 + T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
elseif (theta1 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta2) % Sector 2
T3 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T2 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T3 - T2;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T2 + T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T3 + T0/2;
elseif (theta2 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta3) % Sector 3
T3 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T4 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T3 - T4;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T3 + T0/2;
elseif (theta3 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta4) % Sector 4
T5 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T4 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T5 - T4;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T5 + T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T4 + T0/2;
elseif (theta4 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta5) % Sector 5
T5 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T6 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T5 - T6;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T5 + T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T6 + T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
elseif (theta5 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta6) % Sector 6
T1 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T6 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T1 - T6;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T1 + T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T6 + T0/2;
%-------------------------Define system matrices---------------------------
% Create Three-phase SVPWM VSI Inverter
% System matrix Nx-by-Nx matrix
A = [-1/(C*R_s),-sqrt(3)*m/(2*C),0,0,0,0,0;
0, 0, R_f/(3*(L_2+L)), -sqrt(3)/(6*(L_2+L)), 1/(2*(L_2+L)), -w, ((-3*R_L-R_f)/(3*(L_2+L)))];
% Define input matrix
B = [1/(C*R_s),-sqrt(3)*i_d/(2*C);d_a*v_dc,(sqrt(3)*v_c)/L_1;d_b*v_dc,0;d_c*v_dc,0;0,0;0,0;0,0]; % Nx-by-Nu input matrix
% Define output matrix
C = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0; % Ny-by-Nx matrix
0 0 1 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 1 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 1 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 1];
% Feedthrough matrix
D = zeros(6, 2); % Ny-by-Nu matrix
% create state-space model object
sys = ss(A,B,C,D);
% Define initial conditions and input
x0 = [v_c; i_d; i_q; v_df; v_qf; i_Ld; i_Lq]; % Initial state vector
t = 0:1e-6:0.5; % Time vector for simulation
u = repmat([v_dc;m],1,length(t)); % repeat u for each time step
% Simulate the system
[y, ~, x] = lsim(sys, u, t, x0);
% Extract the states
v_c_sim = x(:, 1);
i_d_sim = x(:, 2);
i_q_sim = x(:, 3);
v_df_sim = x(:, 4);
v_qf_sim = x(:, 5);
i_Ld_sim = x(:, 6);
i_Lq_sim = x(:, 7);
% Extract the outputs
v_abc_sim = y(:, 1:3);
i_abc_sim = y(:, 4:6);
v_dq_sim = y(:, 4:5);
i_dq_sim = y(:, 2:3);
% Plot the variables
subplot(4, 2, 1);
plot(t, v_c_sim);
title('Capacitor Voltage');
subplot(4, 2, 2);
plot(t, i_d_sim);
title('d-Axis Current');
subplot(4, 2, 3);
plot(t, i_q_sim);
title('q-Axis Current');
subplot(4, 2, 4);
plot(t, v_df_sim);
title('d-Component Filter Voltage');
subplot(4, 2, 5);
plot(t, v_qf_sim);
title('q-Component Filter Voltage');
subplot(4, 2, 6);
plot(t, i_Ld_sim);
title('d-Axis Load Current');
subplot(4, 2, 7);
plot(t, i_Lq_sim);
title('q-Axis Load Current');
% Perform coordinate transformation from dq frame to abc frame for currents
i_a_sim = cos(w*t)*i_d_sim - sin(w*t)*i_q_sim;
i_b_sim = cos(w*t - 2*pi/3)*i_d_sim - sin(w*t - 2*pi/3)*i_q_sim;
i_c_sim = cos(w*t + 2*pi/3)*i_d_sim - sin(w*t + 2*pi/3)*i_q_sim;
% Perform coordinate transformation from dq frame to abc frame for voltages
v_a_sim = cos(w*t)*v_df_sim - sin(w*t)*v_qf_sim;
v_b_sim = cos(w*t - 2*pi/3)*v_df_sim - sin(w*t - 2*pi/3)*v_qf_sim;
v_c_sim = cos(w*t + 2*pi/3)*v_df_sim - sin(w*t + 2*pi/3)*v_qf_sim;
Many thanks
The MATLAB Answers community is an invaluable resource for all MATLAB users, providing selfless assistance and support. However, with the emergence of AI-based chatbots, like chatGPT, there may be concerns about the future relevance and utility of the MATLAB Answer community. What are your thoughts?
Prakhar Rathore
Prakhar Rathore
Última actividad el 13 de Sept. de 2023

Hello, Recently I have started working on a thermal management project at my Institute. I am taking some hints from en example of EV thermal management provided by MATLAB. I am having an issue in deciding how the battery current and powertrain heat load is calculated as a function of vehicle speed. It would be helpful if someone could provide some links or references regarding this. (Also, attaching a screenshot of the example for better understanding)
I am processing ocean and climate data (1982-2022). Here, I have table which having heatwaves events details. Now, I want to sort the data month wise and also seasonal wise (summer:October- February, and winter:March-September), and then i wanted to plot mean seasonal and trend.
Sample file is attached. length of original file may vary in size.
Thanks in addvance.
Tadas Bekisas
Tadas Bekisas
Última actividad el 19 de Abr. de 2023

can someone help me with HEV model? I have no experience with simulink modeling, maybe someone have any simple HEV models or any tutorials how to start everything? :)
Thank you.
I am using simulink to generate a simple ADC sampling code. I configured ADC module in software mode, which updates the sampled value according to the sample time configured in the module. I set the sample time to 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6 respectively. But it seems that the sampling speed did not reach the value I set. I suspect it has something to do with the read and write operations, but I am not sure if that's the reason.
I also tried to do it using PWM event to trigger the start of conversion of ADC. Same problem happened. Because I connect a potentiometer and turn its knob slowly, the Graph on CCS is correct while when I turn it very quickly, the graph is not able to keep up with my movements. So the sampling rate is surely not enough. I wonder what I should do to successfully configure this model, thanks in advance!
Jonathan Jerrett
Jonathan Jerrett
Última actividad el 19 de Abr. de 2023

I have an Open Loop Transfer Function:
Gc(s)Gp(s) = aKp(1+Tis) / Tis(s+1+p)
It was decided for this system a=5, Ti=0.1 and p=0.5
What would the poles and zeroes be for this?
Ive done the other examples but this one looks very different to the other questions and it has me stuck.
Any help is appreciated and sorry if this is the wrong place to post such questions.
"The model is configured to create a SIL block, which is not supported for the selected hardware board. To resolve this, search for 'Create block' in the Configuration Parameters dialog box and set it to 'None' or 'PIL'.