PIVMat 4.20

A PIV Post-processing and data analysis toolbox
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Actualizado 28 abr 2021

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The PIVMat Toolbox for Matlab contains a set of command-line functions to import, post-process and analyse 2- and 3-components vector fields from PIV (particle image velocimetry), stereo-PIV, DIC (digital image correlation) SS (synthetic schlieren) or BOS (background-oriented schlieren) applications.
It is compatible with several data formats, including DaVis (LaVision), DynamicStudio (Dantec), PIVlab (W. Thielicke), OpenPIV (A. Liberzon), Insight (TSI), ImageJ etc.
The PIVMat Toolbox enables to handle and perform complex operations over large amount of velocity fields, and to produce high-quality vector/scalar outputs. This toolbox in itself does not perform any PIV computations.
Main Features:
- Import vector fields from PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) or other related technics, such as DIC (Digital Image Correlation), SS and BOS (Synthetic Schlieren and Background-oriented Schlieren).
- Standard vector field operations: interpolation, filtering (median, Butterworth...), averaging (temporal, spatial, azimuthal...), derivatives computation (vorticity, divergence, strain, Q-factor...)
- Fully vectorized: all operations directly apply on arrays of fields (no for loops)
- More than 60 functions with full on-line documentation; sample fields included.
- High-quality vector and scalar output based on Matlab visualization tools: 2D and 3D fields (meshes, surfaces...), movies (AVI), contour plots...
- Advanced statistics: Histograms, correlation functions, vector and scalar structure functions, power spectra, integral scales, joint probability density functions...
- Support for FS-SS (Free-Surface Synthetic Schlieren) applications for surface wave reconstructions (including production of random dot patterns)
- Works on all platforms: Windows/Unix/Mac.

See http://www.fast.u-psud.fr/pivmat/ for the installation procedure.

Citar como

Frederic Moisy (2025). PIVMat 4.20 (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10902-pivmat-4-20), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2010b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

New files supported: PIVlab, OpenPIV, ImageJ, Insight

4.10: bug fixes and new features

v4.00: now compatible with Lavision ReadIMX 2 ; accepts DynamicStudio (Dantec) files.

v3.02: now accepts files from DPIVSoft

version 3.00: stereo-PIV now supported

v2.12: New documentation page; minor improvements

Minor upgrade and bug fixes (see the release notes)

New functions and bug fixes. See the release notes page for more info.

Version 2.01: now compatible with latest version of the ReadIMX package (dec. 2010).

New functions, bug fixes, more documentation. See the release notes.

Version 1.90. See the Release Notes.

New version 1.80.
See the release notes for details