
Versión 1.0.0 (2,65 KB) por Matlab Pro
Easy understanding which features/toolboxes installed for various MATLAB versions on your computer
6 Descargas
Actualizado 6 jun 2024

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Easy understanding which features/toolboxes installed for various MATLAB versions on your computer
The contents is "get_active_features_licenses" script which returns features for the current Matlab release.
get_active_features_licenses - outputs the active features (toolboxes) licenses
[out, rel_out] = get_active_features_licenses(<release(s)>)
default = no input: for current Matlab release
a string: for this release
a cellarray: for these releases
wildcards are posssibe ('*'= all releases, '202*' ...)
out = a cell array holding currenht licsensed features.
If multiple releases found: out = cell of cells
rel_out = a string holding relevant release
If multiple releases found: out = cell array
[out, rel_out] = get_active_features_licenses(); % for current release
[out, rel_out] = get_active_features_licenses('*'); % for all releases
P.S. In order to query for a speacific feature - use the 'license' command
Example: [status,errmsg] = license('checkout','Audio_System_Toolbox');
license('checkout', <feature>) : Check out an active license for <feature>
(Still it can be not installed..)
license('inuse') : Display a list of licenses currently being used
ver: shows installed features (use can install many feature but still
- cannot use them till he has active licenses)
See also: license, ver, version
  • an attached script (get_active_features_licenses_GUI) which create a user-friendly GUI

Citar como

Matlab Pro (2025). get_active_features_licenses (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2024a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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