KML toolbox

Create KML/KMZ files and view them in Google Earth. Supports 3D models, contours, overlays, and more
16,6K Descargas
Actualizado 3 mar 2016

This class-based MATLAB toolbox allows you to create many different plots in Google Earth, by automatically creating the required xml-based KML files without user interaction. Also allows to save as KMZ packages, including any model & images necessary for the plot.

Citar como

Rafael Oliveira (2025). KML toolbox (, GitHub. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2011a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

Inspirado por: Google Earth Toolbox

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Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

Finally moved to GitHub :)

v2.7: fixed a bug in the contourf function, related to contours with custom contour levels

(forgot to update version number)

v2.6: finally possible to save KMZ files(default)- auto includes models & images. fix num2str behavior, reported by Nick Mortimer. Fix to keep path when saving, reported by Alberto. Added lineWidth/lineColor to contourf, suggested by Keith Epstein.

v2.3: A couple more bug fixes (thanks to Reid Pulley for reporting them!), added one example of animation to the test folder

v2.2: A few bug fixes.

v2.1: Added support for gx:LatLonQuad overlays, so now you can add non-square images to the kml

v2.0: Some bug fixes in the filled contour, added animation support.

v1.9: Finally implemented the filled contour plot! And also made some changes to the other contour functions to match better the color scale from MATLAB.
Added also a surf function, to plot 3D colored surfaces.

v1.8: increased to the numeric precision when saving numbers as text. Added the polyMap function, to create a 3D map similar to surf, but composed of a polygons with height proportional to the cell value (similar to hist3, but without binning).

v1.7: small correction in the quiver3d function, and implementation of the classic quiver plot in 2D, without using models anymore.

v1.6: made it compatible with older versions that do not support ~ as function output. Also added the suggestion of Balam Willemsen, to make run work with OSX... Any suggestions on the Linux side are welcome :)

v1.5: updated scatter and scatter3 to accept an different icons for each point. You must supply them as a cell array with the same size of the latitude and longitude inputs.

Corrected the image in File Exchange

v1.4 - Fixed some bugs, added documentation, and a method to animate a model in a trajectory (kml.modelTour)

v 1.3: fixed a small error in the checkUnit function

v1.2: Updated to support both degree and radian inputs.

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