Hexadecimal to binary
Versión (2,78 KB) por
Tamir Suliman
The hex2bin function in MATLAB is used to convert a hexadecimal string to a binary string.
function s= hex2bin(h,N)
%HEX2BIN Convert hexdecimal string to a binary string.
% HEX2BIN(h) returns the binary representation of h as a string.
% Author :Tamir Suliman
% Revision of the matlab functions
% HEX2BIN(h,n) produces a binary representation with at least
% N bits.
% used some codes from hex2dc function
% Example
% hex2bin('f') returns '1111'
% hex2bin('fa') returns '1111 1010'
% hex2bin(['f' 'a'],4) returns
% 0010 1111
% This function implemented with the help of hex2dec and dec2bin
% Input checking
h=h(:); % Make sure h is a column vector.
if iscellstr(h), h = char(h); end
if isempty(h), s = []; return, end
% Work in upper case.
h = upper(h);
% Right justify strings and form 2-D character array.
if ~isempty(find((h==' ' | h==0),1))
h = strjust(h);
% Replace any leading blanks and nulls by 0.
h(cumsum(h ~= ' ' & h ~= 0,2) == 0) = '0';
h = reshape(h,m,n);
% Check for out of range values
if any(any(~((h>='0' & h<='9') | (h>='A'&h<='F'))))
'Input string found with characters other than 0-9, a-f, or A-F.');
sixteen = 16;
p = fliplr(cumprod([1 sixteen(ones(1,n-1))]));
p = p(ones(m,1),:);
s = h <= 64; % Numbers
h(s) = h(s) - 48;
s = h > 64; % Letters
h(s) = h(s) - 55;
s = sum(h.*p,2);
% Decimal to Binary
d = s;
if nargin<2
N = 2; % Default value of N is 2.
if ~(isnumeric(N) || ischar(N)) || ~isscalar(N) || N<0
error('MATLAB:hex2bin:InvalidBitArg','N must be a positive scalar numeric.');
N = round(double(N)); % Make sure N is an integer.
% Actual algorithm
[f,e] = log2(max(d)); % How many digits do we need to represent the numbers?
N = max(N, e); % Use the larger of N and e.
s = char(rem(floor(d*pow2(1-N:0)),2)+'0');
Citar como
Tamir Suliman (2025). Hexadecimal to binary (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/39645-hexadecimal-to-binary), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .
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