Thar ABPR-20 RS232 communication via handheld emulation

Controls and reads from a Thar ABPR-20, by emulating the handheld controller.
470 Descargas
Actualizado 24 ago 2016

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Contains a suite of files for controlling Thar ABPR-20 using MATLAB, by emulating the behavior of a handheld controller. A "real" communications protocol for computers exists, but no information was available to use this instead. This, and the inclusion of two different serial protocols are the reason for the complexity of the code and the number of files. This is largely identical to the code in CO2gui.
Also contains a password cracking tool for brute force cracking of the password (0 to 9999) should you have forgotten it.


Due to the way it broadcasts a large amount of data, MATLAB is not very stable at all in the version of MATLAB I was running, so an alternative method is run through realterm. All of the files here are slightly modified compared to CO2gui to reduce some dependencies, but if I've missed some, the file will be in there.

Best results obtained by using Realterm - note that the realterm files here are DIFFERENT to those in my similarly titled Realterm communications suite.

Create serial object:
serialObject = tharbprobj(comPortNumber); (matlab implementation of serial)


serialObject = tharbprobj2(comPortNumber); (realterm implementation of serial)


Use the preformed files
output = tharbprobjcomm(serialObject, input)


Citar como

Geoffrey Akien (2025). Thar ABPR-20 RS232 communication via handheld emulation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R14SP1
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

Bugfix for realtermfread

Updated description.