Control Orbotix Sphero from Matlab in m-code!
465 Descargas
Actualizado 26 nov 2016

Control Sphero from MATLAB in m-code!

This project provides a few Matlab classes that can be used to control Sphero from Matlab in m-code. Check out the Sphero website for more information about Sphero, the robotic ball.

Check out this Preview video on YouTube to see what this package can do,

The base class, SpheroCore:

Provides a Matlab interface to Sphero through the Bluetooth object of the Instrument Control Toolbox
Implements the low-level Sphero API (see attached pdf)
Manages Sphero's state
The interface class, SpheroInterface (inherits from SpheroCore):

Adds application-layer functionality to SpheroCore
Overloaded Roll method uses right-handed coordinates
Wrappers for Roll and Configure Locator allow easy correspondence between Roll and Locator coordinate systems
The class, Sphero (inherits from SpheroInterface):

Adds backwards compatibility with Yi Jui's Sphero MATLAB Interface
Wrapper for Roll allows for use of Yi Jui's roll method among others http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/48359-sphero-matlab-interface
I've included some examples and graphical user interfaces for inspiration. Future development including bug-fixes, feature extensions, and even custom-tailored examples will be heavily motivated by user comments and ratings!

For more information about how this code communicates with Sphero, stop by my wiki to browse through Sphero API Tutorial and Sphero API MATLAB SDK.

Citar como

Mark Tomaszewski (2025). Sphero API MATLAB SDK (https://github.com/mark-toma/SpheroMATLAB), GitHub. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2011b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
Más información sobre Optimization Toolbox en Help Center y MATLAB Answers.

Inspirado por: Sphero MATLAB Interface

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No se pueden descargar versiones que utilicen la rama predeterminada de GitHub

Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

Updates to v2.1, Changes log properties to row vector samples

Repairs missing description
Fixed the title
New major release; moved source to GitHub repo; some breaking changes; some new features; see GitHub repo commits for more info

only modified description; added new link to wiki docs; added link to sphero web; minor formatting
added preview video

Removed some folders listed in "MATLAB Search Path" to reduce clutter in file preview pane; Noticed that I have a typo in the "SpheroCore" directory name; Updated "Other Requirements" with system hardware (BT) and Matlab Bluetooth object dependencies

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Para consultar o notificar algún problema sobre este complemento de GitHub, visite el repositorio de GitHub.