FEM MATLAB Code for Linear and Nonlinear Bending Analysis of Plates

Versión 1.0 (5,25 MB) por Amit Patil
FEM MATLAB Code for Linear and Nonlinear Bending Analysis of Plates
4,9K Descargas
Actualizado 17 abr 2016

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Linear/nonlinear bending analysis of Mindlin plate by using finite element method is done. The finite element code is written in MATLAB. The theory documents in included which describes linear/nonlinear plate theory. The results are verified by COMSOL Multiphysics (FEM software).

Citar como

Amit Patil (2025). FEM MATLAB Code for Linear and Nonlinear Bending Analysis of Plates (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54226-fem-matlab-code-for-linear-and-nonlinear-bending-analysis-of-plates), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2010b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

Inspirado por: Plate Bending

Inspiración para: FEM MATLAB Code for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Membranes

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FEM MATLAB Code for Linear and Nonlinear Bending Analysis of Plates/LinearAnalysisofPlates/

FEM MATLAB Code for Linear and Nonlinear Bending Analysis of Plates/NonlinearAnalysisofPlates/

Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

Some files are updated.
Language errors are corrected in document

Theory document updated.