Frequency tracking of biological waveforms

Versión 1.0 (32,1 KB) por Iman
This GUI implements a particle filter method for tracking the frequency of echolocation signals.
281 Descargas
Actualizado 23 ene 2017

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This GUI implements sequential importance resampling (SIR) particle filters for tracking the frequency of echolocation signals used by micro-bats to determine where objects are in space. To learn how to use the GUI (ftracker) please watch the following video:
The algorithm is described in this paper:
Nagappa S, Hopgood J. Frequency tracking of biological waveforms. In IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing. 2006.

To fully understand how this algorithm is implemented in MATLAB, please see “code.m” which is heavily commented.

Bat files: Courtesy of Avisoft Bioacoustics, available:
European Social Calls, "Distress Calls and Feeding Buzzes of European Bats"

Please subscribe to my signal processing channel to see more tutorials:

Citar como

Iman (2025). Frequency tracking of biological waveforms (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2013b
Compatible con cualquier versión
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