Inside the Brain: Modeling the Neuron

Model the electrical and chemical signals that neurons use to transmit information
571 Descargas
Actualizado 14 nov 2018

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"In this live script the signal carried by the cells that form our brain will be modeled.

A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that receives, processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals. The communication between neurons is established by the control of ion channels that regulate the membrane potential. This last one acts as a signal. Following the application of a current pulse with a quite amplitude, the membrane potential of an excitable cell shows a large alteration, called Action Potential (AP), before returning to equilibrium condition. "

Citar como

Davide Borra (2025). Inside the Brain: Modeling the Neuron (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

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Se creó con R2018a
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Windows macOS Linux
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