
prabhat kumar sharma

Last seen: 19 días hace Con actividad desde 2023

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  • Knowledgeable Level 3
  • 6 Month Streak
  • First Answer

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Create a vector of different values of dc voltage
Hi Korean, I assume you have an electrical circuit and during the simulation, you want to change the value of your voltage sour...

19 días hace | 0

Scalar input in the integral function became a 150-column matrix...
Hello, The error message you’re seeing, “The output of the function must be the same size as the input,” indicates that the i...

19 días hace | 1

How do I calculate the result of an aribtrary data point on a surface fitted using the fit command
Hi Branko, When you are working with a fitted surface in MATLAB, you can extract the coefficients directly from the cfit or ...

19 días hace | 0

How to perfectly superimpose 2 dataset as images
Hello Elodie, It understand that you're trying to overlay two images with different colormaps and then add a colorbar. The issu...

20 días hace | 0

detect() using trained yolov3detector gives error on transformed test datastore
Hi JW, It looks like the error you're encountering indicates that the detect function is not recognizing the transformed images...

20 días hace | 0

Not able to interpolate the corners of figure using ScattteredInterpolation function
Hello, Sangani I recognize that when you use scatteredInterpolant, you will encounter undulations at the corners of your squar...

20 días hace | 0

I need a substitute for the eval function in Simulink?
Hi Robert, I understand that you want parameter tuning in Simulink similar to MATLAB's eval(). Here are two methods that might ...

21 días hace | 0

Using simulink runtime data in callback functions
Hi Kizito, To ensure that status3 and CarBatteryLevel1EditField.Value update in real-time in your callback, you should avoid ...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Migrating GUI to MATLAB App Designer with GUIDE
Hi Ashleigh, The error is due to a case sensitivity issue with the file name. MATLAB is case-sensitive and cannot find AfDaq be...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Getting NaN validation lost in regressionLearner app
Hi Omar, I understand you are getting your validation loss value as NaN.When you encounter NaN (Not a Number) values as validat...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

how to convert ode15 code into Runge kutta 4th order
Hi Gur, You can simply use ode45 instead of ode15 if your new problem is not stiff or If you are willing to write your own RK4 ...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Export Data + Another graphic
Hi Ana, I understand that you have already plotted the LTSPICE plot and want to add a new plot to compare. You can do this by ...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

How to Create an Android App to Collect Accelerometer Data and Process with MATLAB Script?
Hi Alex, I Understand that you want to run your signal processing heavy matlab script on button click in your Kotlin/Java andro...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Embedded Coder - header file for storage class not generated
Hi Oldrich, Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue: Check the Storage Class Configuration: En...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

| aceptada

Fed-batch modelling
Hi Christy, The error message you've received about computing complex results usually indicates that a mathematical operation w...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Keras Tensorflow import trained model with shared weights not supported Matlab 2021a
Hi Georgios , I understand you are looking to use the .h5 weights of your pretrained model in matlab. But As far as I know weig...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 1

curve fit a lorentzian
Hi Aman, You may want to try this: Thanks

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Multivariate goodness-of-fit?
Hi William, Parametric Models and Goodness-of-Fit Statistics:

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Tracking of black spots on a sample
Dear Harry, I understand the challenges you're facing with tracking black spots in your video, I've developed a tailored approa...

2 meses hace | 0

Indexing through arrray in simulink with a for iterator
Hi Greg, The error message you're encountering is indicating that the From Workspace block within an iterator subsystem is expe...

3 meses hace | 0

how to fuse 2 set data different length frame
Hi Akmal, I understand that you are directly trying to fuse 3D Volumes with mismatched dimensions. When fusing SPECT and CT im...

3 meses hace | 0

Analyse cluster of extrema clusters
Hi Florian, I understand that you want to analyze signals and identify the periodic distance between extrema (maximum and minim...

3 meses hace | 0

intra-cluster and inter-cluster distances
Hi Nadjoua, Certainly, Intra-cluster distance is typically the average distance of all points in a cluster to the cluster's ce...

3 meses hace | 0

How to read VideoDevice into 1D array?
Hi Jeremy, In the this documentation link for imaq.VideoDevice :

3 meses hace | 0

Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size
Hi Anh, This problem often arises from stiff equations or rapidly changing solutions where the solver needs to take very small ...

3 meses hace | 1

show Command Window Application Designer, How can I display the Command Windows within App Designer?
Hi David, I understand you want to include the command window in the app designer application itself. In MATLAB App Designer,...

3 meses hace | 0

optimization of energy management system _problem objective error
Hi NN, I understand the error message you're encountering indicates that the expression assigned to prob.Objective is not being...

3 meses hace | 0

Error in prob.Objective
Hi Angga, I understand that you are facing this error in your objective function. I tried to analyze your objective function, ...

3 meses hace | 0

Errors in converting real time sine wave in it's real time Fourier transform. The graph in UI Axes for frequency domain is not getting plotted in real time
Hi Anupriya, I understand you are facing issue in frequency domain plotting section. Specifically, there are a couple of mist...

3 meses hace | 0

Validating a Model Created by the fitrauto command
Hi Isabelle, I understand you want to perform k-fold cross-validation on your dataset for creating a model using the fitrauto...

3 meses hace | 0

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