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109 Respuestas
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Interacting with docker microservice
Hi @Marcus, As I see you are looking to deploy a Simulink model as a microservice, refer to this useful discussion thread on de...
alrededor de 3 horas hace | 0
Data dictionary addEntry "database is locked" error when running multiple instances
Hi @Cory, Refer to the following useful discussion thread on running Simulink on multiple MATLAB instances simultaneously: ht...
1 día hace | 0
XCP internal error while using LaunchXL 280039C in Simulink C2000 blockset
Hi @Anuj, For troubleshooting steps, refer to the following discussion thread, which consolidates various resources available t...
1 día hace | 0
How Does MATLAB Internally Format Actions as dlarray in DDPG with Recurrent Networks (LSTM)?
Hi @Farid, In the functions "getAction" and "getValue" for the "actor" and "critic" networks, respectively, the inputs/observat...
1 día hace | 0
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Multi variable prediction LSTM
Hi @Riccardo, Choosing the right architecture depends on the complexity of the problem. Here are some resources that discuss wh...
2 días hace | 0
simulink SOS block inputs
Hi @Peter, As I see it, you are looking to connect a ".mat" file with input parameters to an "SOS" filter block in Simulink. Co...
2 días hace | 0
How to create a CCS ToolchainInfo object in Matlab2023?
Hi @Shaw, The object "ticcs" is not present in R2023b. However, you can check the "tiCCS" object, which creates a CCS Toolchain...
2 días hace | 0
Why does the mate slot in SW appear as an unknown constraint?
Hi @Raimondo, The following links might help with troubleshooting issues related to exporting CAD models from SolidWorks and pr...
3 días hace | 0
If the pretrained CLRNet has the process ROIgather
Hi @Xinyu, The "laneBoundaryDetector" that loads the pretrained "CLRNet" by default already applies ROI using the "detect" func...
4 días hace | 0
Display progress of Optimizer doesn't work
Hi @Gabriele, As I see you are looking to plot the progress of the solver execution. Here's a reference example to achieve this...
4 días hace | 0
I want to check if the physical material is aligned with its bonding diagram?
Hi @xie, To find the alignment between two images, you can perform an "affinetform2d" transformation using key points, specific...
29 días hace | 1
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System requirements for simultaneous Polyspace BugFinder Analyzes on one computer?
Hi @Kaya, You can refer to the following answer from the support team regarding the most performant configuration, which includ...
29 días hace | 1
Synchronous Machine pu Fundamental field winding bases
Hi @Franco Huidobro Bandala, You can refer to the documentation for the "Synchronous Machine pu Fundamental," which mentions th...
29 días hace | 0
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Simulink model not running in real time
Hi @Amy, As I see, you are experiencing different execution durations with "Connected IO" compared to "External Mode." This dif...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Exporting signal of bus creator blocks to excel.
Hi @Antimo, As I see, you are trying to programmatically access the names of all signals aggregated at different "Bus Creator" ...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
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Find out whether the video content is reliable or not through the code entered in a box inside the interface
Hi @alex, As I understand, you are looking to build a GUI app to perform video processing, the following resources/steps can be...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Building an Electric Scooter with AEB (Automatic Emergency Braking) Functionality in Simulink
Hi @MOHAMED, As I understand, you intend to design an EV (Electric Scooter) with AEB system. Since building an EV is of broad s...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Determine the dimensions (in pixels) of the smallest vertebra (based on the height of the vertebral body)."
Hi @Rafael, As I understand you are mainly looking to segment regions of interest in the shared spinal X-ray image. Here is a u...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
What is wrong with my SIR Model?
Hi @Eymen Dogrusever, As I see you have ended the second function wrongly at the function call "Program_2_1(0.0006,0.0083,50,1,...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
In ULA monopulse, i can't find sum beam and difference beam
Hi @종영, As I understand, you are looking to plot the sum and difference monopulse for a ULA. Refer to the documentation link be...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Interaction Effects Reference Coding
Hi @Laurie König, In the example "Longitudinal Study with a covariate", the model uses Program A as the reference category, th...
2 meses hace | 0
error configuring Embedded Coder Support Package for Linux Applications
Hi @Michle, As I see you are trying to set up a "Linux Target Computer" for the "Embedded Coder Support Package for Linux." Si...
2 meses hace | 0
Visualization of 3D DCT coefficients image
Hi @ysm ony, As I see you are looking to visualize 3D DCT coefficients which can be achieved using the "scatter3" function alo...
2 meses hace | 0
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Is it possible to run asbQuadcopter simulation by making all variables double?
Hi @Jerico Manalo, In the "asbQuadcopter " example, to change the computation to "double" precision, you might need to modify t...
2 meses hace | 0
using a dpigen with a mexfile inside it
Hi @nadav, I see that you are looking to include external C/C++ function calls compiled as a MEX file for standalone code gener...
2 meses hace | 0
SSH coonection to raspberry pi not working
Hi @Gurkirat, As I see, you are unable to connect to the Raspberry Pi configured through SSH from MATLAB. Here is a set of debu...
2 meses hace | 0
Issue with receiving BLE notifications in Matlab
Hi @Anton, As I see, you are looking to optimize the latency of the callback "processNewStreamData" which processes "ble" notif...
2 meses hace | 0
i need help with plotting a phase diagram for the TVMS of a planetary gear set.
Hi @Adilah Ahmed, As I understand it, you are looking to plot the phase diagram using the available stiffness data while highli...
2 meses hace | 0
Need help implementing MATLAB-based P&O MPPT algorithm on a microcontroller for PWM generation and integration with a DC-DC buck converter design.
Hi @Zeynep Deniz Gundogan, As I see, you are looking for resources on MPPT algorithms. Here is a useful resource page for MPPT ...
3 meses hace | 0
ABS testing on virtual vehicle composer
Hi @Mostafa, As I understand, you are looking to integrate a custom ABS component into a "Virtual Vehicle" and test it. To use ...
3 meses hace | 0