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Launch deployed application with winopen
... function callConsoleApplicationAsync(obj,appWorkingPath,appFileNameWithArguments) arguments ...
11 meses hace | 0
App Designer standalone app can't find external file
You have to add dependent files manually in the Compiler App Project before building the standalone component. Since there's no ...
más de 1 año hace | 1
Use NI USB 6001 without the Data Acquisition Toolbox
It is, using the .net DAQmx driver...some code lines ... NET.addAssembly('NationalInstruments.Common'); ...
más de 1 año hace | 1
Recovering the built-in empty functionality when empty() is overloaded
you have the option to define a constructor with arguments to define the state of the returned object i.e. classdef CustomCl...
más de 1 año hace | 0
Trigger event when content on system clipbooard changes
asm = NET.addAssembly("System.Windows.Forms"); % Includes clipboard-class. fCol = System.Collections.Specialized.StringColl...
más de 1 año hace | 1
| aceptada
How to extract only one file from a zipped folder
NET.addAssembly("System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"); ...
casi 2 años hace | 1
Unzip will not work on some archives
try to use .net Functionality (Windows OS assumed) asm = NET.addAssembly("System.IO.Compression"); import System.IO.Compressio...
casi 2 años hace | 0
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sending values from function to appdesigner
To call your function saved as a script from appdesigner just place the script file in a folder named 'private' that has to be p...
casi 2 años hace | 1
Run a script on all files in a folder/subfolders
..some example lines of code using .net System functionality import System.IO.* searchDir = "C:\Temp"; pattern = "*.*"; ...
casi 2 años hace | 0
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Your object in_vidsDuration is not yet initialized. Use isvalid / isempty to check the object state and catch the exception by ...
casi 2 años hace | 0
How to get pixel's position of an image in app.Image or app.UIAxes in AppDesigner?
first step % Image clicked function: Image function ImageClicked(app, event) get(0, 'PointerLoca...
casi 2 años hace | 0
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NI DAQ channel terminal in MATLAB is read-only
As long as the PFI is configured as Input it should be readOnly. Each PFI line can be individually configured as a static digit...
casi 2 años hace | 0
Connect LabJack T7 Pro to MATLAB
i recommed to use the .net api LJM Library and .NET assembly - Install the LJM Library use NET.addassembly(... start with LJ...
casi 2 años hace | 1
| aceptada
Is properties like global variables?
see the first line of a mlapp file classdef app1 < matlab.apps.AppBase Each AppDesigner app is nothing more than a class defin...
casi 2 años hace | 0
How to properly using visdiff in command line with mat files ?
try to start a new MatLab session modify this cmd line as needed matlab -wait -nodesktop -r "visdiff( \"\"{<file1>}\"\",\"\"{<...
casi 2 años hace | 0
Exiting form readline() in TCPIP server before timeout occurs
try to implement the BytesAvailableFcn callback before starting the readline function flush the buffer and delete ther server ...
casi 2 años hace | 0
How can I create an inherit class based on variable value?
classdef baseClass < handle methods function baseClass(index) ... end end ... classdef class0 < baseClass ...
casi 2 años hace | 0
I want to turn on/off dependency of two class properties based on the third property.
Try to use Observed Properties Save the listener handles as private properties and use the listeners 'Enabled' property to turn...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
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Pass variables/structure to .mlapp (GUI/App designer)
Calling your mlapp application from your script returns the app handle with full access to all public objects myAppHandle = myA...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
Save button disabled when editing an App Designer App
Save a copy of this file within appdesigner and check if the behaviour can also been seen running the copied mlapp file.
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
Failure to read binary data from a visa instrument using readbinblock or read: Format error detected during binblockread.
For this instruments a bunch of commands returns data in BinBlock format. i.e. :RESult:BLOCk? Returns a specified binary block...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
how to correct Too many input arguments error in below code
check this [eePos, eeVel, guessValsOut, status] ...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
Timeout error with Visa Device
Consider the following scope states trigger system < pretrigger / trigger ready / triggered > acquisition system <startFromTr...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
How to make calls to static methods independent of packaging structure (name)?
try to set a session path (addpath) and import the package path (i.e. import MyPackageRoot.TestPackage.*)
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
Return values from figure callback
I suggest to use the lines UserData property to save your data. hLines(k).UserData = ...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
.Net DLL not working after some time
Check that the Matlab class will not be reinstantiated before the last object of this class was properly disposed. If you debug ...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
How to pick group sum values from an array
X=[1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1]; xStr = string(X).join(""); pat = asManyOfPatter...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 1
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.
use a try catch block to debug ... try Fbump(ii)=Pb(ii)/VA(ii); %this line of code is givig me the error catch ex ...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0
How to make a method a global variable in a class?
You can't access 'obj.client' in function 'ApplyControl' unless you save it to your declared property. --> change your constru...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 1
| aceptada
Reading from COM port for 2 days
I suggest to use event based communication. Reading a fixed packet length may lead to a buffer over-/underrun due to asynchronou...
alrededor de 2 años hace | 0