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How i can graph in 3 dimension, dependent of the temperature?
Hi @Ana Soph, I understand that you want to visualize the temperature distribution in all directions using MATLAB. The issue i...
14 días hace | 0
Help with complex integration
Hi @Gan Jun, I understand that you want to integrate and plot against using MATLAB. The given differential equation is: L...
14 días hace | 0
Don't understand why I'm getting a 50% error rate
Hi @Felipe, I understand that you are using a CPFSK modulator and demodulator and facing issues with receiving a 50% Bit Error...
14 días hace | 0
How to extract date time from format unique to InputFormat?
Hi @Muha, To convert your data into "datetime" format in MATLAB, you can use "regexprep" to handle the PM adjustment. Here’s ho...
4 meses hace | 0
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When the histcounts function is used, data that was not in the original data appears
Hi @Wensor, After reproducing your issue and investigating further, I found that the value at the 71st position in your data, 0...
4 meses hace | 1
erro: Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function location
Hi @Vinicio, I see that you are working on setting up a cellular network site and transmitter configuration for a multi-sector ...
4 meses hace | 0
Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...
4 meses hace
Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...
4 meses hace
QPSK BER theoretical and simulation doesn't match
Hi @Haider, I found a few issues in the code that caused a mismatch between the theoretical and simulated Bit Error Rate values...
4 meses hace | 1
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Format scientific decimal place bar plot
Hi @Adi Purwandana, To display data tips in scientific notation with one decimal place on your bar plot, you can format the lab...
4 meses hace | 0
Identify location of the 2D grid data
Hi @Pete sherer, To identify the logical index of points in the X,Y grid that correspond to the original points in rectList, yo...
4 meses hace | 0
Impedance, admittance and ABCD matrices
Hi @Afluo Raoual, To compute V1 and V2 using given Z-parameters, we can employ matrix multiplication in MATLAB. Here is a con...
4 meses hace | 0
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I try to let the laptop identify an increase in any vakue of a heatmap grid and if the value increase then that grid will be converted to green but I couldnt let that work.
Hi @Haoyan, I have reviewed your code and have a few observations: In the code segment below, consider a scenario where the ol...
4 meses hace | 0
How to avoid error accumulating when doing vector transformation?
Hi @serige, The difference in error between the two norm calculations arises from the nature of the operations being performed....
4 meses hace | 0
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Is there a way to write protect an m file.
Hi @Govind, Here are some methods to protect your files from being edited: 1. Protecting Code with P-code Files: MATLAB allow...
4 meses hace | 0
How to solve the poles of (z^2 + 4*z + 3) / ((z^5 + 4*z^4 + 3*z^3 + 2*z^2 + 5*z + 2) *exp(-5*z))?
Hi @Abalone, The warning appears because MATLAB's "poles" function finds it hard to get exact poles when the expression involve...
4 meses hace | 0
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trying to create a function for simple Newton polynomial interpolation
Hi @Ole, To create a function that performs Newton polynomial interpolation based on the recurrence relation given these steps ...
4 meses hace | 0
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How to rotate pcolor plot with an angle?
Hi @Riyadh, To rotate a "pcolor" plot by a specified angle, you can use a rotation matrix. Assuming you want to rotate the plo...
4 meses hace | 0
How to break the for loop?
Hi @Neda, I understand that you want to execute a piece of code 500 times using a "for" loop, while skipping any iteration wher...
4 meses hace | 0
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coupled differntial equation using ode45
Hi @Kushagra Saurabh, I understand that you are encountering an error while trying to solve the coupled differential equation. ...
6 meses hace | 0
16-QAM over AWGN Channel
Hi @A. MAR. I understand that you are trying to simulate 16-QAM over an AWGN channel and are having trouble aligning the theore...
6 meses hace | 0
Control Engineering conver transfer function MIMO to state space
Hi @meng fowler, To convert a 2x2 MIMO transfer function system with two inputs, two outputs, and three states into a state-spa...
6 meses hace | 0
error is using bvpset in bvp4c
Hi @Syed, I understand that you are aiming to obtain an output with 6 or more decimal places but are encountering errors. Her...
6 meses hace | 0
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Error creating array with evenly spaced elements
Hi @Luan Vuong, I understand that you are encountering an issue with id = find(F == 62.3) not working as expected. This is due ...
6 meses hace | 2
fplot with two y-axis
Hi @Angel Cuadras, I understand that you want to plot two curves using yyaxis with fplot. Based on the code you provided, her...
6 meses hace | 1
Model simulation Code for SEIR
Hi @Sunday, I understand you are encountering errors related to incorrectly placed functions. The error occurs because the fu...
6 meses hace | 0
Hi @adriane duarte, I see you are having trouble getting the simulation and theoretical curves to match. After checking the c...
6 meses hace | 0
%I encountered the following problem in the calculation: 1. The calculated H is negative, %and I am unsure if the calculation is correct. Some formulas cannot be simplified and still %exist in the form of 5000/51166. 3. Poor overall code fluency clea
Hi Nicholas, I understand that you are trying to solve for Burial Depth(H) using the Symbolic Math Toolbox in MATLAB but not ge...
6 meses hace | 0
Calculate Bit Error Rate and Block Error Rate using MATLAB
Hi Sukshith, I see you are interested in calculating the Bit Error Rate (BER) and Block Error Rate (BLER) using MATLAB for your...
6 meses hace | 0
You have to transmit Data Sequence 11100010 with transmission bit rate 1000000 through QPSK. Write a Matlab code and a) Generate data sequence and all the above mentioned wave
Hi Ali, I understand that you want to separate the even and odd components of the data sequence [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] and pl...
6 meses hace | 0