Uploading .mat files that contain nested structs into a datastore
I think the wisest course would be to reorganize your data and assign each "Unit" to its own separate .mat file.

9 meses hace | 1

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Finding Transformation Matrix of a viewer3d object
Maybe you could use estimateCameraParameters using a list of hand-picked points.

9 meses hace | 1

How to restructure my objective function to optimise using genetic algorithm?
Follow this example -

9 meses hace | 0

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Zeroing matrix elements outside of a certain range.
Zeroing the data will not exclude it from the average. You should use NaNs, data = [1;2;3;4;5].*ones(5,2).*[0.5,0.4] range =...

9 meses hace | 0

Scattered Interpolant in matlab
No. There is no such thing as spline interpolation or extrapolation when you are dealing with scattered data. It is inherently a...

9 meses hace | 1

How can the data be accurately clustered?
Maybe clusterdata would be useful. It has lots of different algorithmic options you could try.

9 meses hace | 0

How do I add transparency to a plot in the Live Editor?
I find that this makes the lines dim in the Live Editor, like they appear in your post - plot([0, 1],[0, 1; 1, 0], 'Color', [1 ...

10 meses hace | 0

Unable to find explicit solution in Lagrangian optimization
An analytical solution for 0<rho<1 is - A=[1 0; 0 1; -1 0; 0 -1]*E; [fval,i]=min(A*[p1;p2]); e1=A(i,1); e2=A(i...

10 meses hace | 1

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error Unrecognized function or variable help me please :(!
signalsCell=load('signals').signals; PlotSignal(signalsCell, 3) function PlotSignal(signalsCell, n) Headings=signals...

10 meses hace | 1

difficulties using fmincon codes
however it still uses @SomnathsFunc2 i would be happy to exclude rather than this cant we direclty add that part in code rather ...

10 meses hace | 1

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Get equation of the surface from curve fitting
I would like to get a mathematical function that describes the surface of the 3D space, so I can, given a N and phi, get a value...

10 meses hace | 0

Adoption of Name=Value in Function Calls what is best practice?
One situation where you have to stick with the old style anyway is when you want to pre-package your name value pairs in a cell ...

10 meses hace | 0

Create a node in the space between two nodes (A and B) and following the direction normal to a node (N)
A = [-25.5530 -185.3199 -211.6502]; B = [-25.4769 -185.6468 -211.2523]; N = [-25.4602 -185.4676 -211.6694]; C=(...

10 meses hace | 0

how to velocize it (avoid loop is possible)
I don't know if "velocize" (not a word) is supposed to mean "accelerate" or "vectorize". The two are not the same. If you're l...

10 meses hace | 1

How to add cell array as index in plot title
I suspect that the code you've shown us is not the code that produces the error. I suspect you did this instead - figure tlo =...

10 meses hace | 0

Which algorithm does SVD function take?
Comparing results showed that max difference in S and S1 reached 1e-14, but for U and U1 or for V and V1, max difference reached...

10 meses hace | 2

For matrix A you cannot do: A.^2(:)
A=[1 2;3 4]; sum(A(:).^2) vecnorm(A(:))^2 norm(A,'fro')^2

10 meses hace | 0

Identify the maximum values within fixed time intervals of a time series data set
Time=[4 5 6 7 8 9 10 25 26 27 28 29 46 47 48 49 50 58 59 60]; %Time vector, in minutes x=[ 0 5 0 1 3 11 2 0 0 1 8 3 0 0 -5 12 2...

10 meses hace | 2

Create a 4D array from 3D array with 3 columns, and 1D (row only) array with 3 columns
So, could it be that myVar has 4 arrays inside it To me, it doesn't sound like you are talking about a 4D array at all, but ins...

11 meses hace | 0

How to visualize histogram
You can use the histogram command with hold to superimpose them.

12 meses hace | 0

shortestpath between two points on skeleton in binary image
You can use bwdistgeodesic.

12 meses hace | 0

Why does abs cause bad matlabfunction evaluation?
The real problem appears to be that f is not fully simplified, and therefore the Symbolic Toolbox tries to naively apply the Cha...

12 meses hace | 2

How to save .mat files on the disk after each iteration?
Often, you would put all images with the same label in the same folder - Folders={'Label1','Label2','Label3'}; for j=1:nu...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

Curve fitting a function that is dependent on a difference of 2d functions
There appears to be a simple analytical solution - constant=(0.0025)^(-5/3)*(2*Lambda^2*0.1816)/D^(1/3); DTV=(cX+cY)*consta...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Calling functions that have a variable name
That sounds like a bad idea. You should probably make a single function where (n,k) are one of the arguments - function oneFun...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 3

Trapezoidal Rule of Convolution with Non-Uniform Intervals
I don't believe there is such a thing as the "Trapezoidal Rule of Convolution". Undoubtedly, you are thinking of the trapezoidal...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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cut the object in space (separate a 3D object into two distinct parts) using a plane
The IsoCut command here looks like it will do this -

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

How to trace the minimum and maximum lines of the image of the moiré franges?
Something like this might also work - A=load('Image').Image; T=findEdges(A,'top',10); B=findEdges(A,'bottom',10); C=fin...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

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Changing color in matlab
A = imread('xyz_converted.png'); [R,G,B] = imsplit(A); B=cat(3,G, 0*R,0*B); imshow(B)

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Speed up process of passing each row of large array to external function
This reduces it to one loop, which should work with parfor - x = lambdas; % 1 x 1927 element vector intt=int'; logg=nan...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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