Luca Ferro
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Scripting enthusiast
12 Preguntas
99 Respuestas
0 Problemas
145 Soluciones
of 297.547
12 Preguntas
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145 Soluciones
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Setting properties for uicontrols using for loop
You don't really need a loop. Scenario 1: Numeric Edit field/Dropdown/Slider/... + Apply button Ater the user has chosen the i...
casi 2 años hace | 0
Extract segments from signal
This is the closest i could go as of right now, i'll revise it in the next days. But i'll share it so that someone else can buil...
casi 2 años hace | 0
How do I install the Matlab documentation locally on a machine WITHOUT an internet connection?
i think you best option is to follow this guide: https://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2023a/install/ug/install-documentati...
casi 2 años hace | 0
Solving unknown matrix with iterated column vector
i'm not really quite sure about what operation you are trying to solve and how to solve it, but for theF iteration part this wo...
casi 2 años hace | 1
Find the first value of each groups.
It's not the most efficient way since it uses loops and find instead of indexing but this works: x = [3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 11]'...
casi 2 años hace | 0
Importing excel time data
I think you can find your solution here https://it.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/25216-reading-time-dates-from-excel
casi 2 años hace | 0
How to print the image name
assuming that you have the name of the image as a string: app.ThisIsYourEditFieldName.Value=thisIsYourImageName; for a more pr...
casi 2 años hace | 0
How can I save images in a matrix?
you can store them in a cell array by doing: imgArray{1,1}=imread('whateverimage.png'); imgArray{1,2}=imread('whateverimage2....
casi 2 años hace | 0
Plotting on matlab app panel does not update the tick labels but it overlaps them
I'm trying to plot a preview of a signal on a uipanel in a matlab app. What happens is that the first time you preview it everyt...
casi 2 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0
respuestaArray indices must be positive integers or logical values.
You cannot name a variable with the same name as a built-in matlab function. Change the line det=det(A) to something else like...
casi 2 años hace | 0
Find the difference between all columns of a given row of a matrix
a=[1 3 5 -3]; aPerms=nchoosek(a,2); %generates all unique couples absDiff=abs(aPerms(:,1)-aPerms(:,2))' %absolute difference o...
casi 2 años hace | 0
How to produce Gaussian random variable between two vectors ?
I would do it like this (assuming i understood correctly): sr = [1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,5]; % various possible source ta = [2,3,6,8,6...
casi 2 años hace | 1
How to inline/extract subsystem contents in Simulink programmatically
I found the solution to this, i'll keep the question just because it can be useful for someone in need of the same function sinc...
casi 2 años hace | 1
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How to inline/extract subsystem contents in Simulink programmatically
What i would like to do is to extract the contents of a subsystem deleting the subsystem itself. I know this can be done in sy...
casi 2 años hace | 1 respuesta | 1
respuestai keep getting syntax error please help
to multiply you have to use *. Assuming you defined or sym t, x_p = -0.3906*sin(0.559*t) + 156.25*cos(0.559*t);
casi 2 años hace | 1
extract py.list data in matlab to numeric
let's say that pyList is your list: cellPyList=cell(pyList); %converts to cell array of form {[1]},{[2]},... arrPyList=[cell...
casi 2 años hace | 0
please help me in solving these equation showing error 0-by-1 and warning: Unable to find explicit solution
Not every system of equations, or even single equation, can be explicitly solved. in your case the single equations can be solv...
casi 2 años hace | 1
How do I fill an editor box in app designer (numeric or text based on case) with outputs from a regular matlab code?
The script has its own scope and the app has its own scope. The script cannot use variables and methods outside of his scope. ...
casi 2 años hace | 0
What does get_param(gcb,'blocktype') returns for block which are from non-installed toolbox ?
my guess is that yes, it is a subsystem reference but since the toolbox is not installed you don't have the source of the refere...
casi 2 años hace | 0
How to extract only one file from a zipped folder
This cannot be done using matlab only, it requires Java as well. You can refer to this thread for extracting file names and pa...
casi 2 años hace | 0
change background color in parallelplot
I don't think it is possible. I tried to look into all the properties of a parallelplot figure (and more in general of a plot fi...
casi 2 años hace | 1
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How to save a part of a Simulink model as image?
Probably too late but i'll leave it here for those that might need it: print('-modelName/subSystemName','-djpeg','-r300','mode...
casi 2 años hace | 1
Why I get error to solve this ODE with euler method?
First a suggestion, this line really doesn't make any sense: M(1)= 2; just do M=2; and you get the same result and you don'...
casi 2 años hace | 0
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how can i use struct to "for" when i use predictFcn
You should have all the model names in an array, then loop using a proper index and eval the expression. modelNames=["Tree", "...
casi 2 años hace | 0
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Concatenate two vectors with different dimensions and sort the result in an ascending order.
Be careful because you made a typo while defining B, the last element has a ',' instead of a ';'. B = [ 2 ; 4 ; 5 ; 7 >,< 0]; ...
casi 2 años hace | 1
Why do I receive the error "Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment. Error in A01_pr_rain_UK (line 3) fname=fns1.name "?
'dir' returns an empty structure since for whatever reason, most likely a path issue, it cannot find the said files. The empty...
casi 2 años hace | 0
What happens if I change the parameters of a copy of a subsystem in simscape?
No the copy is not linked whatwoever with the original. What you are searching for is a reference block: https://ch.mathworks...
casi 2 años hace | 0
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How can I find the angle between two vectors that answer should be between 0 to 2*pi
This question is a duplicate of: https://ch.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/16243-angle-between-two-vectors-in-3d As sugges...
casi 2 años hace | 0
save animation into gif
use this function from file exchange: https://ch.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/63239-gif I personally use it every...
casi 2 años hace | 0
Create a single variable to store multiple correlation coefficients
this would do the trick and store the correlation values in a 300x7 matrix for rr=1:size(AA,1) for cc=1:size(AA,2) ...
casi 2 años hace | 0