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How can I determine where there are date gaps in an array of date strings? And fill in the gaps...
I think you can do this without an loop. Since you want to get an 'ideal' date array, you can just make this, and then lookup wh...
alrededor de 12 años hace | 1
Save figures with saveas function
You mean you want to set the filename yourself? You can use uiputfile for that. [filename dirname] = uiputfile; %set file n...
alrededor de 12 años hace | 0
How can I compare two logical vectors to a value?
logi = ~logix & ~logiy
más de 12 años hace | 0
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ERRORDLG icon switching to ploted graph
You mean that you get the plot _inside_ the errordlg?? That's weird... I cannot reproduce this, not even when I explicitly use t...
más de 12 años hace | 0
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The legend show different sign
This is because you are plotting data in a loop, and will make N plots with symbol 'ro'. Therefore, also the first N entries in ...
más de 12 años hace | 0
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How do I load text files into the GUI workspace?
You can get the path to your mfile with mfilename and fileparts: fname = mfilename('fullpath'); fdir = fileparts(fname)...
más de 12 años hace | 0
GUI: Change backround of "Edit text" box using if structure
Explain 'many errors'. How can we fix many errors with we don't know what they are?? I'm going to make an estimated guess. If yo...
más de 12 años hace | 0
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how to make numbering near "a" like: a1, a2, an
Please don't use dynamic variable names, matlab has plenty of options to store your data in a better way. Use cells or structs. ...
más de 12 años hace | 3
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when i have two plots on same figure, how can i clear only one plot ??
Are there 2 axes, or 2 lines in one axes? If you have two axes: uou need the handles of the second axes to clear it with cla. ...
más de 12 años hace | 0
how can i convert a string to a number (without using the str2num function) so if the string represents a number the value is 1? (otherwise the value is 0)...
r = ~isnan(str2double(st));
más de 12 años hace | 0
How to use 'Edit Text' efficiently in a GUI?
If you use guidata(gcbo,handles), you save the string of your textbox in the 'handles' structure; in your pshbtn_callback you su...
más de 12 años hace | 0
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problem in Matrix Indexing
Well, if you insist not to use repmat (why??), I'd do it like this: f = zeros(n,v); for i = 1:v f(:,i) = k(i); ...
más de 12 años hace | 1
How can i add the feature in Matlab GUI Deploytool package that expires the package after specific expiry date. for example i have made a package and giving to user for trial purpose so i want the package to expire after 15 days on user machine.
Probably the most simple way to do this is, is by creating a simple matfile the first time the program runs, which includes the ...
más de 12 años hace | 0
How to exit a program or rather not process further code if a condition is not met ?
Error should only be used when there is, ehm, an error. To stop the execution otherwise, use <
más de 12 años hace | 5
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How to share variables across GUIs?
I prefer to store and share data with the function setappdata and getappdata. This is, in my opinion, more clear and better stru...
más de 12 años hace | 0
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Using contourf with 1D data
I don't really understand what you want to do. Why do you want to show a vector as 2D data???? Especially with random x and y....
más de 12 años hace | 0
Import Variables in GUI to the main workspace
In the callback of your button, put assignin('base','yourvariable',yourvariable) If you have a simple GUI that is clos...
más de 12 años hace | 0
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Print an image in Matlab GUI
I guess it should be smapleimage = imread('image.png'); printdlg(smapleimage)
más de 12 años hace | 0
Transfering variables from Workspace to GUIDE Interfaz
You can retrieve variables from the base workspace using < evalin>.
más de 12 años hace | 0
disable axes screen updating in gui
How are you updating the plot? Are you calling plotyy every time? It is usually much faster to update XData and YData of an exis...
más de 12 años hace | 0
Is there a way to 'fold up' sections of code--like when you close up a while loop?
You have to activate code folding for cells in Preferences. See
más de 12 años hace | 3
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Matlab gui List box problem
Something like this sould work: val = get(handles.listbox1,'Value'); %get selected item str = get(handles.listbox1,'Stri...
más de 12 años hace | 2
Problem in data loading
You will need to make the array smaller to display it, that's obvious from the error message. Also, it is an array with 3 dimens...
más de 12 años hace | 0
changing the plot in GUI manually -
Doug has a great movie on exactly this subject:
más de 12 años hace | 0
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Crop a plot without changing ratio/axis tick positions?
Maybe you can use tight subplots:
más de 12 años hace | 0
how to remove some row or column of a matrix at once?
a = zeros(100,100); %create 100x100 matrix a(71:100,:) = []; %remove rows 71:100
más de 12 años hace | 0
how do i check if line in plot exists and if yes delete it otherwise nothing
Dirty way: cla(axes_handle) If you know the handle of the line: if ishandle(line_handle) delete(line_handle) ...
más de 12 años hace | 0
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Suppress line number display in error message
Use getReport instead. For instance try %something catch me errorstring= getReport(me,'basic') uiwait(warndl...
más de 12 años hace | 0
problem with using if statements
You placed the code intothe CreateFcn of te popup. This means the code is only executed when the popup is created, not when you ...
más de 12 años hace | 0
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