

Aquamarine Power Ltd.

Con actividad desde 2014

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  • Knowledgeable Level 3
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Simple MATLAB lexer program
The function needs some work but couple of things that should help - use fprintf instead of display - replace k=size(arr) ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How can i read a csv-file with strings and integers into script and then write new values in some cells at the end
Hi, if your file containing the information is called 'test.csv' you can read in everything using: p = readtable('test.c...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

how to compare an element of array to the rest of the elements
As Walter said num(i)>num(i+1:end) compares num(i) to all subsequent elements with result 1 for each time true. You can use this...

más de 9 años hace | 0

How to display all the while loop at static text? (matlab GUI)
Hi Abraham, try this (assuming you added a push button to start the program and 'ans' is your static text box). Since txt wil...

casi 10 años hace | 1

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using diff or gradient function normalized the vector
you have to divide by the time step. For instance, this gives you what you want dt=0.1; t=-2*pi:dt:2*pi; subplot(3,1,...

casi 10 años hace | 0

importing .txt file into matlab push button
Hi Faiza, change handles.fileData = fscanf(fileID,'%d'); to temp = fscanf(fileID,'%d',[8 Inf]); handles.fil...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

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How to create three columns for matrix after indexing
Hi Mahesh, this will do what you want nx = size(dyzw,1); ny = size(dyzw,2); nz = size(dyzw,3); N = nx*ny*nz; ...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

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How to start analysing data from the highest value from excel?
Hi Alexander, I'm not entirely sure this is what you're looking for but I assume you want the vector 'a' within your for loop...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

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How can I read a txt file and put the values in a matrix, skipping the first rows?
M=dlmread('trial.txt','',skipRows,skipColumns) where skipRows is the number of rows you don't want to read at the start of ...

más de 10 años hace | 0

load a txt file to load a columns in a tex box on GUI
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.txt'},'Open File'); fullpathname = strcat(pathname, filename); fileVars = dlmread...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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How to slice 3d data in xyzv vector format
Hi, think this should work, fill in the x value for the slice you want to look at xslice = 0; scatter(y(x==xslice),z(...

más de 10 años hace | 0

construct array name in script
Hi Alex, I think the following code using eval will do what you want % read a file into a variable selecting all files w...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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different type variables need to be printed to .txt file
This will write the vectors time (n x 20 char) and data (n x 1 double) to the file output.txt with the vectors next to each othe...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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Array indexing in parfor loops, why does this simple code not work?
You're getting the cell index for A out of vector B, however B could be defined with multiple elements having the same value (e....

más de 10 años hace | 0

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Calculaing the table of values for function defined as an infinie series
you can use a for loop to do this t = 1:10; n = 0:50; for i=1:length(t) E(1,i)=sum(t(i).^n); en...

más de 10 años hace | 2

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Call command line MySQL with user and password
Found the solution myself, might be helpful for someone else, write the mysql command to a batch file (e.g. test.bat) and call t...

más de 10 años hace | 1

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code gives me a false values?
you can do it for all columns in one go (e1 will be a 3 column matrix) e1=finale; e1(e1>128)=e1(e1>128)-256; (or e1(e1>128...

más de 10 años hace | 0

How to obtain different color graphs for a single matrix?
Strange, when I produce a 78x3 matrix using data=rand(78,3); and then do plot(data) it shows 3 lines in the standard blue, green...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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Call command line MySQL with user and password
Hi, I'm trying to call MySQL from Matlab in the same way you can call it from the DOS command line, i.e. (without the quotati...

más de 10 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0

