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3D Histogram of a true color (RGB) image
Hi @Abdul Gaffar, To plot a 3D histogram of a true colour image, try the following steps: 1. Convert it to a grayscale image...
16 días hace | 0
Provide a row vector as legend
Hi @Pedro Oliveira, To assign the values of a row vector as a legend, each element must be converted into a string. This can b...
16 días hace | 0
Trying to only fill certain contours in a contour3 plot
Hi @Nicholas Backhouse, To fill a specific colour between only two contours while leaving the others unfilled, specific contou...
16 días hace | 0
cannot save figure from simulink
Hi @praween bhengra, To save a plot generated using the ‘Scope’ block in a Simulink model, certain properties of the Scope blo...
16 días hace | 0
heatmap cannot have Axes or uiaxes as parent
Hi @Alexandru Bitca, As per the documentation, it is not possible to place a heatmap inside a UIAxes.However, a similar workflo...
18 días hace | 0
Is there a way to write legends in small caps?
Hi @sudip poudel, To display legends in small caps within MATLAB figure, try the following workaround: Use the “upper” functi...
18 días hace | 0
multiple plots with same variable but different value
Hi @EIMAN HAZIQ, To plot multiple graphs of the same variable, which contains different values according to the equation: T(...
21 días hace | 0
show regular intervals in the colourbar
Hi @Francesco Marchione, To calculate a fixed number of evenly distributed values between the minimum and maximum, including t...
23 días hace | 0
plot range of freq on unit circle
Hi @uzmeed, To plot frequencies ranging from 10 kHz to 1 MHz on a unit circle, we can follow the below approach. Assuming the t...
23 días hace | 0
plot the graph of mulivariable
Hi @shiv gaur, Upon reviewing your code, I noticed that the expression for p should be written as p = (dy ./ dx) ./ (dy ./ d...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Overlaying a Bar chart with 2 Y-axes and 2 legends. My code below plots data x and y versus xx. I want the right Y-axes to have the amplitudes of data "y". And also I will like a legend for data "x" on the top right corner. Any suggestions?
Hi @Percy N, After generating both plots, we can add the legends with proper titles. Additionally, we need to hide the visibil...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Covert surf 3D image to 2D matrix
Hi @Haomin Wang, To save an image into a new 2D projection, the “saveas” function can be used. Additionally, to extract z-value...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
PLEASE HELP!! Matlab AppDesigner Putting a certain number of panels
Hi @hgrlk & @Georgiana Cristea, Assuming that the desired output should have the panels stacked on top of each other, you can ...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Add plot to an existing surface
Hi @Giuseppe Giaquinta, To add a 3D line to a plot that features a surface generated using the Curve Fitting Tool in MATLAB, t...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
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how to find the location of optical flow (head) vector?
Hi @zunash ahmad, To determine the location of an optical flow vector, you can calculate the optical flow between two consecut...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
How to solve boundary value problem using shooting method (ode45)?
Hi @Rajesh, I've observed that the line responsible for checking the right endpoint boundary condition might not be implemente...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
ANOVA of a cell array
Hi @car, To perform a one-way ANOVA on all the data contained within the cells of a cell array and obtain a single output that ...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
How to compute displacement vector field?
Hi @zafar iqbal, To compute the displacement vector field (DVF) for image registration in MATLAB, you can use the Image Proces...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
Changing the Number of Rows in imported Table via Edit-Field in App Designer
Hi @William Collants, To make the Numeric Edit Field interactive, we need to add a callback function. The desired functionalit...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
How to plot an integral function(x) with limits as 10 and x.
Hi @Mohammad Kaif, Upon reviewing the code, I identified the issue: one of the limits of the “integral” function is being passe...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0
How to increase margin when export graphics-Illegal option 'padding' given
Hi @Huei-Ting, The “Padding” attribute of the “exportgraphics” function is supported in MATLAB Online R2024a and onwards. It i...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 1
Histogram inside a plot.
Hi @Priya, The “position” property of the “axes” function determines the position with respect to the bottom-left corner of th...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0
Plot two points on single x value
Hi @Jihun Gil, To plot a scatter graph for data where there might be multiple y-values corresponding to a single x-value, the ...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0
eigenvalues for matrix contents of terms
Hi @Zaynab Ayham, To create a matrix of variables like x, y and z, the “syms” function can be used. It is utilized to create s...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0
"readmatirx" does not read the expected data?
Hi @cui,xingxing, Upon analysing the attached .csv file, I noticed that the data is separated by commas (,), whereas the defau...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0
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Problems printing graphics in pdf format
Hi @Lola Gadea, To save a heatmap or any other graph plotted using MATLAB in PDF format, we need to ensure that the figure's si...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0
Multiple surfaces in 3D with different colors
Hi @Eja Eja, To make the top and bottom faces of the cube a different color compared to the other faces, we can use the “p...
alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0