

Aalborg University

Con actividad desde 2013

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VideoReader doesn't seem to read videofiles (Ubuntu)
I am having some trouble with VideoReader, using Ubuntu 14.04 and MATLAB 2015A. The amount of code I've written at this point is...

más de 9 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0



how to call m-file from simulink?
There are different ways you can do this. The most simple, but limited is probably Fcn. However, for your purpose, it sounds lik...

casi 11 años hace | 2

| aceptada


Single errorbar on a constant line
Hello, I have been doing some calculations on muscle signals. I have time: time = [0:50000:10] % Sampled for 10 sec,...

más de 11 años hace | 0 respuestas | 0



Commands missiing in my Matlab R2009a.
Do you have the Symbolic Math Toolbox installed? Both commands you are trying to use are part of that toolbox. Try the comman...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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i've an error at 22nd number line. may i need to count the lines from 1,2,3,... 22 to find out it?
You do not need to count lines. If you have your file open in the MATLAB editor, you should see the line count to the far left o...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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How to save a .m file in windows 8?
Let me see if I've understood you correctly. The subdivision Enviroment is found under Home. "Set Path" is not for saving....

casi 12 años hace | 0

how can i split a speech signal into 3 equal parts??
Quick google search: < MathWorks Thread>

casi 12 años hace | 0

How to save Output filename as per Input file name?
You need to look into functions and use your filename as input. See < M...

casi 12 años hace | 0

calculate annualized Standard deviation for data that consists of several years
There is no annualized standard deviation, however, all matlab processes can be used only on parts of your data, so you could ma...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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Hai i am new to to divide a EEG signal into frames in matlab?
Did you look into the built-in < Hann-function> in matlab? Overlapping shou...

casi 12 años hace | 0

can anybody tell me the meaning of "end-1" instruction here?thank you.
Not knowing what "nper" is makes it a bit more complex to explain, however, sfdr is set to be equal the max value of ptot in the...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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How to remove lines in a .txt file?
I have been given the following code by a teacher at university: function allData =ReadVerTxtData(filename,NumVar) fid=f...

casi 12 años hace | 0


Three plots in one bar graph: Need different ticklabels
I'm doing a bar graph, in which I want three bars each with a different color. To do this, I have used the hold command and thre...

casi 12 años hace | 0 respuestas | 0



Solving a matrix using MatLab?
Do you have to do it manually? If you have MATLAB at your disposal, why not just use the rref-command? rref(M) ^ That sh...

casi 12 años hace | 0

how to plot curve using data from for loop
Change your freq and gain variables, so they're both a function of k. All values will be stored that way and your plot should wo...

casi 12 años hace | 1


No pre-defined input in a function
Good evening, I'm about to do some experiments and afterwards I would like to do exactly the same data processing (graphs and...

casi 12 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0



display to the 1000th if value less than 1 using std
digits(d) Where d is 1 < d < 2^29 + 1 See < Variable-precision accuracy>...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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How do I can delete my account?
I am pretty sure you need to contact customer support to have your account deleted: <

casi 12 años hace | 0

How can I request the filename of a colour image file from the user in Matlab code???
You could do it as a function. See function imageInput(imagename) i...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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how can i get the integration of a function..?
I don't have experience with it, but did you try the integral-command? See the link: <

casi 12 años hace | 0

How to get the mean value?
You can specify rows and columns to be calculated for all Matlab built-in functions. You said your data is called s4, lets say ...

casi 12 años hace | 0

How do I store values from inside a loop?
Firstly, I'll pass on an advice that I was once given here on the forum. You ought to use another letter in your loop than i, k ...

casi 12 años hace | 0

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Storing values calculated in a 'for' loop in a matrix / vector
I would very much appreciate some help storing values in a matrix. I am trying to do a growth curve (See: <

casi 12 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0

