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Strange behaviour with uigetfile in APPDesigner (not observed in GUIDE)
I have just published a simple workaround for these focus issues, which -- as The MathWorks acknowledges -- still have "currentl...
10 meses hace | 0
Appdesigner uigetfile focus error
I am not sure if this answers your question but judging from the title and your code it may...: check out my File Exchange contr...
10 meses hace | 0
How to make uigetfile window pops-up in front of my app (designed in appdesigner)?
I have just published a simple workaround for these focus issues, which -- as The MathWorks acknowledges -- still have "currentl...
10 meses hace | 0
Uigetfile will make app be behind another windows.
I have just published a simple workaround for these focus issues, which -- as The MathWorks acknowledges -- still have "currentl...
10 meses hace | 0
Appdesigner window ends up in background after uigetfile
I have just published a simple workaround for these focus issues, which -- as The MathWorks acknowledges -- still have "currentl...
10 meses hace | 0
Multi-batch csv processing error
Hi Denxybel, the main problem lies in the readtable statement. Althought the documentation states that "by default, readtable cr...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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how to identify a string in an external text file and save the text of the two following lines in arrays, by delimiters
% open textfile fid = fopen('myfile.txt'); % read line by line until the pattern is found pattern = 'A C G Y R E'; tline =...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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delete NaN values from Matrix & use Matrix for other operations
% Sample arrays A = [1; 2; 3; 4; NaN; 6; NaN; 8; 9; 10]; B = [NaN; 12; 13; NaN; 15; 16; 17; 18; 9999; 20]; We want to get rid...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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How to substract a loop from the first 10 cell values of the loop?
Would this work? X(2,n) = X(1,n) - X(1,mod(n-1,10)+1)
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Find location of exact string
regexp(data, '\<sine delta 2') The \< indicates that the search string must occur at the beginning of a new word - see MATLAB r...
casi 4 años hace | 1
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Find location of exact string
Starting with R2020b, you can use pattern with strfind, which allows you to only find matches if they are preceded by a nonlette...
casi 4 años hace | 0
a function generating a square matrix
A = [11, 12, 13, 14; 21, 22, 23, 24; 31, 32, 33, 34; 41, 42, 43, 44] A comma (optional) starts a new column in a matrix, while ...
casi 4 años hace | 0
How make mutiple plots in one plot
The issue is that you are opening your files in the first loop, one after another, but only the last opened file will be process...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Convert a structure array to a list
c = struct2cell(sol); ilaplace([c{:}].')
casi 4 años hace | 0
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How to output a for loop as a table with each iteration and result displayed
Hi Jorge, First preallocate your table (outside the loop) according to the number of years in your list: T = table('Size', [nu...
casi 4 años hace | 0
ode45 for non linear ODEs
The solution below follows closely the "Solve Nonstiff Equation" example in the ode45 documentation. We first need to write an...
casi 4 años hace | 0
Extract x,y,z coordinates from figure
Hi Aidan, let's take the peaks surface plot as an example for a 3D surface plot. We create a table from the surface data and wri...
casi 4 años hace | 0
When i covert a structure to cell array, my fieldNames disappear
Shambhavi, you can use fieldnames to extract the fieldnames from your structure and add it to the end of your new cell array. Fo...
casi 4 años hace | 0
Invalidate user entry by using isnan or isempty function
str2double returns NaN (not-a-number) when it cannot convert text to a number. You can therefore simply use isnan to test if a n...
casi 4 años hace | 0
Combinations of array rows with exclusion
This answer does not have any of the duplicates that are present in my previous answer: A = [20 10;20 15;20 30;22 15;25 10; 30 ...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Combinations of array rows with exclusion
OK, so how about this? A = [20 10;20 15;20 30;22 15;25 10; 30 10]; cellArr{1} = deleteOneRow(A); for i = 2:size(A,1)-4 ...
casi 4 años hace | 1
Code for action when ui toggle button is pressed
Yes, that's indeed the problem - the selected button never changes because you only have one button in the button group, so the ...
casi 4 años hace | 1
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error on using fplot
Your solution usol contains two symbolic variables, x and d, but fplot can only deal with functions of a single variable. I supp...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Display same image with different rotations
I assume you are talking about 2D images: % prepare an image but hide it initially (for better timing) h = imagesc(peaks, 'Vis...
casi 4 años hace | 0
Combining Two plots with different with the same y axis and different x axis length
If the widths of your two plot boxes have an integer ratio (such as 4:1), you can use tiledlayout to do this. First create one r...
casi 4 años hace | 0
How do I write a code to rearrage the colors in an RGB color array?
The third dimension of your 229x600 image contains the rgb values for each pixel: image1(:,:,1) is the red channel, image1(:,:,2...
casi 4 años hace | 1
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Finding the sum of the first n primes and to use a while function
There are two issues in your code: You are testing if i is not a prime number, when you actually want to test whether it is a p...
casi 4 años hace | 0
I'm not sure what the issue is, but your figure displays just fine when I save it to a png file (my preferred graphics file form...
casi 4 años hace | 0
Merging two arrays of two different types
You are combining double values (from a) with character values (from b), which yields a character array according to MATLAB's cl...
casi 4 años hace | 1
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How Can I Show a txt File in a GUI ?
A text area would be the way to go, as it will show a scroll bar and wrap text if the content of the textfile is larger than the...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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