Where is dlfeval tracing information stored?
I don't kwow the dlarray class but IMO it looks like the creating function handle f is stored in some sort of private property i...

5 meses hace | 0


Default rank revealing tolerance
In few MATLAB functions such as RANK, PINV, ORTH there is a parameter TOL. MATLAB uses the default value as % tol = max(size(A...

5 meses hace | 0 respuestas | 1



plot() and fplot() give different results for the same function
Your coding is wrong: Replace "/" with "./"

5 meses hace | 0

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getting warning while using eigs on the matrices obtained from freefem++
Try to follow the suggestion you get " Consider specifying a perturbed numeric sigma value to improve the condition of the matri...

5 meses hace | 0

cubic spline interpolation - mixed boundary conditions possible?
In principle yes. The spline on the second segment (b,c) are piecewise cubic poynomials; starting from b sequentially to each in...

5 meses hace | 0

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How to convert /map uint16 to int16 maintaining the dynamic range so that [0] and [2^16-1] in uint16 beomes [-2^15] and [2^15-1] without going through double
If you have C compiler this simple mex file will do the job: /*****************************************************************...

6 meses hace | 1

Faster/better conversion than using swapbytes typecast on udp byte datastream?
Try this: %% Exampel data data =[0 5 187 8 1 136 61 48 0 0 0 0 1 67 58 246 255 127 176 76 10 231 55 137 255 240 253 91 255 22...

6 meses hace | 0

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How to add extra columns at specified locations
After computing dataset2 dataset = [1, 2, 3, nan, 4, 5, nan, 6, 7]; % ... dataset2 = [2, 5, 7, 8, 4, 8, 10]; do this: da...

6 meses hace | 0

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scrit can't error related to Sortrows and matrix
Replace initialization statements sol=[]; % Start with an empty matrix of feasible solutions data = []; with sol=zeros(...

6 meses hace | 0

Max Recursion even when using clear
Don't name your script function clear.m. In command windows type which clear then rename or remove that file to restore the bu...

6 meses hace | 0

Upsampling a matrix with zero elements
x = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8] kron(x, [1 0; 0 0])

6 meses hace | 1

warning in Polyval - Warning: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN.
Check your data with this command all(isfinite(rawData(:))) if it returns 0/false then your data is not valid

6 meses hace | 0

Does linprog support warm-starts?
Not that I'm aware of.

6 meses hace | 0

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How to detect whether a figure is created by uifigure()
This command returns true for uifigure handle fig matlab.ui.internal.isUIFigure(fig)

6 meses hace | 0

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Trying to optimise this loop
function WriteOutValuesToAFile(filename,M) fileID = fopen(filename,'wt'); for k=1:size(M,3); s = sprintf('%f,', M(:,:,k))...

6 meses hace | 0

How to do a layered matrix--vector multiplication without a for loop?
NNN = 10; RR = rand(NNN, 3); TT = rand(3,3,NNN); for iii = 1:1:NNN TRR(iii,:) = TT(:,:,iii) * RR(iii, :).'; % Bug fix ...

6 meses hace | 2

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Convert Quaternion to Euler angle extrinsically
Here is the answer by MATLAB code: extrinsic angles is flip intrinsic angles % Generate random unit quaternion q = quaternion(...

6 meses hace | 1

Why I receive an error when my code is in function but not when he's in editor ?
You could consider to vectorize the test instead of using for loop and the side effect when deleting array element(s). I don't k...

6 meses hace | 0

Why I receive an error when my code is in function but not when he's in editor ?
Loop in reverse would fix the issue (cross interaction between deletion that makes array strinks and loop index) for i = si...

6 meses hace | 0

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Seeking Help: Deleting Redundancy in a Structure Array
a(1).pos=[1,7,1]; a(2).pos=[1,7,1]; a(3).pos=[6,5,5]; a(4).pos=[1,4,3]; a(5).pos=[2,2,2]; P = cat(1, a.pos); [~, I] = un...

6 meses hace | 0

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How to generate a random 3D vector with set magnitude?
MagTarget = 10; MagRange = 0.5; n = 1000; m = MagTarget + MagRange * (rand(1,n)-0.5); xyz = randn(3,n); xyz = xyz .* (m ./ ...

6 meses hace | 2

Interpolation schemes that produce positive second derivatives of the interpolant
You can use approximation spline, just put more (denser) knots than the data points so it actually interpolates. For example us...

6 meses hace | 0

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scatteredInterpolant function gives error in input data if I try to interpolate a vectorial field where for each point I have 2 values, but in the doc it says that is allowed.
I guess you use an old MATLAB version that doesn't support vector interpolation. EDIT the doc is for 2023b more recent than you...

6 meses hace | 2

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sum results depending on array orientation
The issue of sum depending to array orientation is reported by @Matt J in this thread To me the flaw is serious enough that it ...

6 meses hace | 3 respuestas | 0



Just by changing values of k, the given code gives error. Why?
k need to be column vector and your transposed is miss placed. The correct is k = -((M/2-1):M/2).';

7 meses hace | 0

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Quickest way for alternate indexing a vector
Try to do something clever (1st and 2nd methods) but it is slower than your code 53rd method). A small modificationof your code ...

7 meses hace | 1

function to generate collections of integers that all sum to the same value?
Look in File Exchange with the keywords integer partition. You'ill find many implementations for example this one: https://www....

7 meses hace | 0

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Matlab memory optimization regarding output arguments
You better have your funtion codded like this function functie() x = 9; % Remove the braket x = functieLocala(x); ...

7 meses hace | 1

Size mismatch (size [1 x :?] ~= size [0 x 1]) - GPU Coder Deployment
Try to initialize index = zeros(1, 0); since you concatenate index horizontally in the for loop.

7 meses hace | 0

How can we compute batch matrix-matrix product of matrices (3-D tensors) in MATLAB?
b = 2; n = 3; m = 4; p = 5; A = rand(b,n,m); B = rand(b, m,p); AA = permute(A, [2 3 1]); BB = permute(B, [2 4 1 3]); ...

8 meses hace | 0

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