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Finding the points where Bessel functions are equivalent
Like this? um = 1e-6; nCore = 1.4682; nClad = 1.446; lam = 1.55*um; k = 2*pi/lam; a...
21 días hace | 0
Alternative to ginput for finding curve intersections with unevenly spaced data in MATLAB
Create a function using interp1 for use with fzero. For example: yfn = @(X,Y,x) interp1(X,Y,x); X = [1,2,3,7,8,9]; Y1 = X...
alrededor de 1 mes hace | 1
ode45 not able to solve one particular IVP
How about: y = -3:0.4:3; % pick values of y x = -3:0.4:3; % pick values of x [xg,yg] ...
3 meses hace | 0
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Erro ao usar matlab.internal.math.interp1 Os pontos de amostra devem ser exclusivos.
Well, this gets it working, but you need to check your function equilibrio as it doesn't cross zero until T is between 3400 and ...
5 meses hace | 0
Generate a vector with elements based on certain elements in another vector
Like this? A = [0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1]; B =zeros(size(A)); ptr = find(A==1); B(ptr(1):ptr(1)+2)=1
5 meses hace | 1
Solving the problem for the free extremum of a function of several variables - numerical determination local minimum.
Here's a "starter for ten" with the Newton-Raphson method: % Newton-Raphson Approach % Function f = @(x,y)x^4+5*x^2-9*x^2*...
5 meses hace | 0
Finding max value of 1D vector when all values could be negative
Try [M, I] = max(abs(DD)) M = DD(I)
5 meses hace | 0
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Issue with correct Fanno parameter when using flowfanno function.
fL/D suggests the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor is being used. 4fL/D suggests the Fanning friction factor is being used. (T...
6 meses hace | 0
Using Runge Kutta to solve second-order differential equations with two degrees of freedom
Like this? omega = 0.05:0.05:20; tspan = [0 2*pi]; xmax = zeros(1,numel(omega)); for i = 1:numel(omega) X0 = [0...
6 meses hace | 0
Changing the value of only one parameter causes a problem (possibly with while loop)
You can see from the following that when i = 3, 4 and 7, V(i) stays at a constant value greater than Vmax %% Constants and Assu...
6 meses hace | 0
Why is the set of numbers p2 not showing up on my graph
Should it be more like this? (Though I don't recognize the value you have for the gas constant; and temperature would normally b...
6 meses hace | 0
Reproducing Water Defect Mode Plot in MATLAB (Only Getting 0.1748 Transmittance Instead of Sharp Peak of 1)
The size of the peak is very sensitive to the increments in your lambda range: n_Si = 3.465; % Refractive index of Si n_SiO...
6 meses hace | 1
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I'm trying to solve jeffry hamel equation using RK4 but it's not giving output as expected.
The following code produces something very close to the plot that you want to see. However, the values of g(1) are nowhere near...
6 meses hace | 1
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i try to put two plot in one graph using legend but one of them just looks been 'cut off', can someone help me to fix this problem
Plot both curves the same way (i.e. t then x)! x0=2.1; g=9.81; k=45; m=7; t=0:0.1:6; x1=@(t) x0*cosd(t*(sqrt(k/m))); x_t_...
7 meses hace | 0
Implementation of the analytical expression for the magnetic field of a circular current loop and interpretation/representation of the results
When I run it I get different signs as well as slightly different magnitudes: %% Analytical calculation of the magnetic field o...
8 meses hace | 0
How to remove gaps in timeseries plot to have a continuous graph
Include a NaN in the data list between each data set.
8 meses hace | 0
what the reason behind roundoff error inside while loop
Compare the following dt = 0.1*16^-1; t = 0; while t<1 t = t+dt; end disp(t) t = 0; c = 1; while t<1 t = c...
8 meses hace | 0
Something doesn't work for me in fit
Here's a fit using fminsearch (I just used a quick but coarse approach- the code can be made much cleaner!). v=[10 30 5...
8 meses hace | 0
Plotting while skipping the middle point in a vector
Something like this? tic v1 = [1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 20 21 22 30 31 32]; dv = diff(v1); ix = find(abs(dv)>1); v = []; s2 = 0; f...
9 meses hace | 1
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help with nested loop and plot
Here's another way, still using nested loops: n= 101; x = linspace(-100, 100, n); y = linspace(-100, 100, n); [X, Y] = meshg...
9 meses hace | 0
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How to integrate an implicit acceleration function to a fitting pair of graphs of velocity and displacement
Look up ode45 for the integration (for a fixed set of parameters) and fminsearch for fitting the parameters to known data.
9 meses hace | 0
Brush: How can I change the font color of the displayed X and Y range?
Select the Property Inspector, select the text, choose a color. (The following code is just to get the image uploaded) I=imrea...
9 meses hace | 0
how to use an integral function inside a for loop? i need to find the value of function that chages as i chages .then using this values i need to find another integral.
Are you looking for something like this? r0 =0.1; u =[1:7]'; Q =zeros(length(u),1); E =zeros(length(Q),1); Q = @(x)0.023*(r...
9 meses hace | 0
Simpson integral - problem with writing the formula
Should be x(i) etc. not a(i). Also be careful with brackets. % Test 1 a = 0; b = 1; n = 10; f = @(x)1-x+x.^3; I = simpson(f...
10 meses hace | 0
How do I apply iteration method to an integral?
Look up help on function fzero.
10 meses hace | 1
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How can I plot a reflection angle of a projectile in a kinematics model? Overlay projectile motion plots?
Surely you only need to reverse the x-velocity? imperialBallVelocity = 52.20; release_angle = 42; release_height = 64.2; %Ki...
11 meses hace | 1
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Why am I receiving this error?
You have 4 layers layer_angles = [45, -45, -45, 45]; but data for only three mid_plane_strains = [0.05, 0.00, 0.00]; % Mid-p...
11 meses hace | 0
Function g Returns Only 2 Values Instead of Array - Vectorized Operation Issue in MATLAB
You have g as a function of x2, but x2 doesn't appear on the right-hand side!
11 meses hace | 0
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Solve for x with given equation
Look up the help on function fzero. And don't forget that Matlab doesn't recognise implicit multiplication. x(...) should...
11 meses hace | 0
power method with rayleigh coeff
Make sure you call the function with the arguments in the same order as those defined in the function! A=[4 1 -1 0;1 3 -1 0;-1 ...
11 meses hace | 0
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