University of Twente
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Project Euler: Problem 2, Sum of even Fibonacci
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 te...
casi 4 años hace
Project Euler: Problem 1, Multiples of 3 and 5
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23...
casi 4 años hace
Instead of ga, what else can I use to solve nonlinear optimization problem with integer constraints? Here is a file exchange entry...
casi 6 años hace | 1
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What is the best practice for passing data to use for visualization?
What is the best practice for passing variables to a function for visualization? I am working on a simulation of a flexible me...
alrededor de 6 años hace | 0 respuestas | 0
respuestasApply Small Perturbations to Simscape Multibody Rotational/Translational States for Model Linearization
You can specify motion to the 6-DOF joint by going to actuation and setting the force to be automatically computed and the motio...
casi 7 años hace | 1
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data every second. want matrix with mean data of every minute.
Use |retime| and |datetime|: a = ones(100, 7); a(:, 7) = randi(15, 100, 1); mins = repmat(1:10, 10, 1); a(:, 5) = mi...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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Solve nonlinear equation with positive solution (fsolve)
You can set an assumption on the equations using |assume|, in this case there seem to be no solutions for this problem. x ...
casi 7 años hace | 1
Why is this sparse multiplication failing?
You could use the relevant indices to perform the multiplication: b = sparse(17249876309, 29); b(430: 490) = 1; c = ...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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How to remove entries form a struct array?
Logical indexing should work, just note that you need brackets around s.area. field1 = 'area'; value1 = num2cell(1:10) ; ...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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How can I find circle diameter using arc ?
Take three points on the arc, draw lines between them and take the bissectors of those lines, where they meet is the center O. T...
casi 7 años hace | 0
How user move lines that is drawed in a figure interactivly and extract the data of new location of lines ?
Take a look at doc impoly or doc imline For example: imshow('gantrycrane.png'); impoly
casi 7 años hace | 1
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Access Time Table elements in a struct array
You could use arrayfun to put the elements you need in cells and then combine them using cell2mat: a(1:5) = struct('myFiel...
casi 7 años hace | 0
How to plot three y-axes in one figure, where each one y-axis have three lines to be plotted?
Check out doc subplot For your example: figure(1); subplot(3, 1, 1) plot(x,y11,y12,y13);%1st y-axis subplot(3, ...
casi 7 años hace | 0
Making a more user friendly simulink model
Select the subsystem and press mask>edit mask or CTRL+M. Then go to parameters & dialog and you can add some _Edit_ parameters c...
casi 7 años hace | 0
How can I invert the following matrix ?
The system of equations does not have a solution, they are linearly dependent. What do you mean by _"the result is not the resul...
casi 7 años hace | 0
Can anyone explain the loops in this code?
They're counting the number of white points, black points and matched data, but they could be replaced by using logical indexing...
casi 7 años hace | 0
How to optimise a definite integral?
You don't need to have the analytical result, simply pass the integral as the objective function with a function handle and k2 a...
casi 7 años hace | 0
Plot a line between 2 points and extend the line a determined distance
I would first read the documentation before grabbing stuff off file exchange if I were you, because the fillline is really not n...
casi 7 años hace | 0
Nested for loop produces plot that is shifted horizontally
You evaluated at the index of the timevector, rather than at the time itself. You could write |time(time_point)| instead to get ...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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FFT of sine function
You'll get both positive and negative frequencies, see doc fft for an example of a single-sided spectrum, i.e. only po...
casi 7 años hace | 0
Getting the real solutions of non-polynomial equations
What do you mean when you say you only want real solutions, don't you just want the correct solutions? You could take the real p...
casi 7 años hace | 0
How can I find the area above the parabolic curve for this particular case?
An elegant way to do this is via function handles: x = linspace(0, 11, 100); y = @(x) .0012*x.^1.5; yforArea = @...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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Query regarding solving differential equation
I'm guessing you are trying to use ode45 with variable timestep, make sure to pass y and dy/dx as an interpolation function such...
casi 7 años hace | 0
How to model human leg joint stiction?
Are you sure you want to use first generation Multibody software? In second generation you can use the <
casi 7 años hace | 0
Sort the array by template
a1 = [1 4 2 5 7]; b1 = 1:5; mySecretOrder = [1 3 2 5 4]; a2 = a1(mySecretOrder); [~, order] = ismember(a2, a1)...
casi 7 años hace | 3
Need Help this assigment
GMDP is a struct GMDP.Ploc is a field of GMDP GMDP.Ploc{1} is a cell containing a 3D array GMDP.Ploc{1}(:,:,1) is...
casi 7 años hace | 1
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How can I clear an entire table column without deleting the variable?
You can simply overwrite the values by indexing with curly braces if that is what you want t = table(rand(6, 1), rand(6, 1)...
casi 7 años hace | 0
Curve fitting to data
What you are looking for is just a linear fit to your exponential function, you can do this by using the |mldivide| operator "\"...
casi 7 años hace | 2
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How to replace findpeaks() with another function
<> Any of these options on the file exchange might help you...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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Function Changem or substitute values of a matrix
|changem| is part of the Mapping toolbox, type ver to see which toolboxes you have installed.
casi 7 años hace | 0