Mukul Rao
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I'm an aerospace engineer by education with a specialization computational fluid dynamics.
I enjoy kayaking when the weather permits and I like to bar hop regardless of the weather :) !
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Optimize two dependent equations
Hi, if you are looking to optimize both equations together, I would recommend looking at some of the <
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
Saving Matricies from a Loop
Hello, I made some minor changes. Note that you had reused "i" as a loop-variable inside a nested for-loop, I renamed these to "...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 1
What is the default figure export format from matlab live script?
Hi Timmaso, I work for the MathWorks Technical Support team. As of R2017b, you can control the size of the exported EPS figures,...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
Painters and openGL Renderer - shift marker or blurr marker in print to .pdf
Hi, what you describe is indeed an unexpected behavior with printing that has been fixed in MATLAB R2017b.
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
How can I use a switch in AppDesigner to call different functions?
Hi, you can basically call one of the two functions within the button callback based on the state of the toggle switch (app.Togg...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 3
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How to get the weight after training a SeriesNetwork?
Hello, I work for the MathWorks technical support team. The "getwb" function is only supported by legacy neural network objects....
alrededor de 7 años hace | 3
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How can i give a trained model some images as an input ?
Hello, in order to use the trained model to predict new data, you will first have to export the trained model to the workspace. ...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
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How to get rid of unwanted comment in the data imported using 'readtable'
Hello, if each element "sealevel" is a character array, you could use the " <
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
Discontinuous Galerkin Method 2D
Hi Bilal, you could model your domain as two rectangles sharing a common face at y = 0. You can then use the <https://www.mathwo...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
How do I click a point on a GUI and have it open another GUI?
Hi, the < CurrentPoint> p...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
How to create a Network Node Incidence Matrix?
Hi. It seems like at some point you are creating a graph object with an edge list that has duplicate edges, for example there ar...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
Why are the results to the fit command getting cleared from the workspace?
Hi Jeff, the function "FriedlanderFourierSeries2" does not run to completion because of the error. Therefore, it does not return...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
How can I plot segments in a scatter plot?
Hi, very interesting question. If my understanding is correct, I believe you should be looking at different possible combination...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
Finding equation of a smoothing spline representing experimental data
Hello, if you are looking to export this spline fit as either M-code or an object, so it can be evaluated at new points, you can...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 1
I want to plot a function of two variables
Hi, to clarify, are you trying to plot a series of different "f" values for different input "x" values?
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
Special characters in datacursormode
Hi, I work for the MathWorks Technical Support team. There is no documented way to change the interpreter for the "datacursor"; ...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 1
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How do I create and solve a system of N coupled differential equations?
Hi Patrick, taking a quick look at the error message, it seems that "ode45" is attempting to call your function "Millennium" wit...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
Quantifying cells with different membrane stains
Hi, You can try the <
más de 7 años hace | 0
RMSE of Weighted Nonlinear Regression
Hi, I believe the reason is that traditional weighted regression computes R-square based on transformed variables, the better...
más de 7 años hace | 0
how to get the coeffients out of a sfit object after creating it on some data using 'cubicinterp'.
Hi, Here is an example that demonstrates how to extract fit coefficients from the "sfit" object: <
más de 7 años hace | 0
Move file to online folder using movefile/copyfile
Hi, You can consider the < MATLAB Drive Connector>. Es...
más de 7 años hace | 1
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Renderer: 'painters' vs. Opengl
Hi, As per my understanding there is no definitive answer as to when OpenGL will perform better than Painters or vice versa. ...
más de 7 años hace | 4
stepwiselm: Can I limit the maximum number of variables to a fixed integer?
Hi, I work for the MathWorks, and I believe what you are trying to accomplish is not currently supported by "stepwiselm". You...
más de 7 años hace | 0
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Bad classification accuracy... What could be making my pattern recognition network perform so poorly?
Hi, You can try steps mentioned in the following links to improve neural network performance : <
más de 7 años hace | 1
How to extract true positive and true negative rates from confusion matrix obtained using classification learner
Hi, I believe there is a limit of 20 classes for labels to be displayed in the confusion matrix. There is an existing enhance...
más de 7 años hace | 0
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How do I communicate between an AppDesigner app and a function
Hi, Here is a simplistic template to illustrate the workflow to access App Designer plot data: * Create an axes for your a...
más de 7 años hace | 1
Functions with same evaluation outputs and same starting point have different fminsearch outcomes?
Hi, Vectorizing an expression can change its final value due to optimizations from the execution engine and in some cases, du...
más de 7 años hace | 0
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Time Delay Neural Network: How to separate measurements in dynamic data for the use either in the training or the test data?
Hi, I am not sure I understand your question correctly. If the training set looked like: { (a1a2...a140) (b1b2b3......
más de 7 años hace | 0
For loops and financial regressions
Hi, You could consider the example on estimation of the CAPM on multiple stocks here: <
más de 7 años hace | 0
Can I run Matlab on a Intel® Atom™ x5-z8550 Prozessor?
Hello, Depending on which version of MATLAB, the minimum requirements to run MATLAB are mentioned here: <https://www.mathw...
casi 8 años hace | 0