David K.
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Processing Frames from a Video
The VideoReader object looks like the way to go. With the basic case being: v = VideoReader('example.avi'); while hasFrame(v)...
casi 3 años hace | 0
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different colours in title MATLAB 2020B
The Add Title page has the answer to this. strcat(['\color{green}Green/Healthy= ',num2str(Healthy),',\color{orange}/Infected= ...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Appending a calculated value during each iteration of a for loop
I can't see right away what the dimension of [c_k.*exp(lambda*tspan(i))] is expected to be so I am just going to put out answ...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Mixing one audio signal to another at a specific point
This is fairly easy at first. You just need to pad the signal a2 with enough zeros to equal 10 seconds. This requires knowledge ...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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eq() and == failing to find matches in generated array.
You are right that it is floating point precision. There are many ways to deal with this and your comment shows one of them with...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Label point on FFT plot
The text function seems to be what you want. After plot use: text(fft_locs,fft_pks,'your label here');
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Text output from script
I would look at the 'publish' capabilities. At the top of matlab, if you switch from 'Editor' to 'Publish' you can output your c...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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Array Error Must be Positive
If you read the whole error message you see this : Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. This is caused b...
casi 4 años hace | 0
Writing excel files with different names
This can be done nearly the way you guessed: for n = 1:10 writematrix(cutoff,['outdataFFT',num2str(n),'.xlsx']) end The key...
alrededor de 4 años hace | 0
Fourier Transform of an array of IQ pairs
The fft function has a dimension input that allows you to specify which dimension of a matrix you are taking the fft's over. S...
alrededor de 4 años hace | 0
Changing a for loop to recursion
Recursion happens when a function calls itself, which is something you are not doing. The first step when creating a recursive...
más de 5 años hace | 1
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matlab loops/if statements help for a beginner
So problem 1 is that size is outputting a vector and not a single value. It outputs both dimensions so for your example m is [1 ...
más de 5 años hace | 0
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Trying to play Sound at random times during elapsed time.
So as you noticed, etime == randomTime will not work because etime needs input arguments. So fix that issue with this: etime(cl...
más de 5 años hace | 1
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Splitting a table into smaller ones based on two columns
I would do it as such: n = 1; a = your table% I used table([1;2;3;4;5;],[1;5;1;3;1]) to sort of test while ~isempty(a) % whi...
más de 5 años hace | 1
How can I make a step response graph for open Loop Ziegler-Nichols Method?
When trying to do transfer functions in matlab one very nice way to do it is with s = tf('s'); Now, s indicates it is a trans...
más de 5 años hace | 1
Help with Padovan Sequence
You cannot start at P(0) because matlab does not let you index at 0. However, you can make it so that it works as expected. Ever...
más de 5 años hace | 2
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Convert row or coloumn matrix into rowXcoloumn matrix
I would do it as such: P = 1:10; out = reshape(P,[2,5]); out = out'; % Take transpose
más de 5 años hace | 0
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Two dimensional interpolation polynomial
First off, I looked a little bit on wikis to find https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_interpolation which might have what...
más de 5 años hace | 1
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Plotting loop value according to years
The problem is that the value b is not being saved within the loop, so your plot function is trying to plot a single value which...
más de 5 años hace | 0
How to calculate averaged values from 5-min interval values
Using for loops is a very straightforward way that this can be done: x = yourData; %your data size1 = length(x)/12; size2 = 2...
más de 5 años hace | 0
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Separating a colymn into two columns (.txt file)
I would do it like this: %t = your table; dataCell = table2cell(t); % convert to cells dataCell = dataCell(11:end); % remove ...
más de 5 años hace | 0
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Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
The first problem is that Tr is a vector being assigned to a single value of r1, this is fixed as such: r1(n+1)=r1(n)+h*(K01*(C...
más de 5 años hace | 0
I need help with some graphs
Since you need to plot in 3 dimensions I will be using the surf function. What I would first do is solve all of these equation...
más de 5 años hace | 1
Simulink - How to create a conditional "if" block with more than 3 conditions?
**Moved from questions to answer** When you know the matlab code needed to do something in Simulink a Matlab Fuction Block can ...
más de 5 años hace | 2
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How to skip a file in reading a series of csv files using csvread?
One method, though it may be one that is often advised against, is to use a try catch block around the code. When an error occur...
más de 5 años hace | 0
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How to change the style or fount of a static text on GUIDE
Inside the guide interface you can double click the static text to bring up its properties. Then, you can change the listed font...
más de 5 años hace | 0
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Updating a value inside for loop
A common way people do things like this is with an if statement. For the condition of the if statement you need to relate it to ...
más de 5 años hace | 1
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hi how to solve below eqation in matlab command window in tf command
The tf function expects the num and den to be matrices that hold the coefficients to the numerator and denominator. In your case...
más de 5 años hace | 0
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plotting data from data files and saving each plot through out each run of the loop
If you wish to have all the plots on the same figure, you need to use figure; hold on %The rest of your code If you wish to...
más de 5 años hace | 0
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Element replacement of matrix.
If using a for loop is not actually a requirement you can do this very simply as such: myMatrix = rand(5,4); % create 5x4 matri...
más de 5 años hace | 0
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