Updates: Frequently Asked Questions - MATLAB & Simulink

Updates: Frequently Asked Questions

MathWorks has introduced Updates, an improved way of rolling out fixes to existing installations of MATLAB and Simulink software.

  1. What is an Update?

    An Update is a cumulative set of fixes that is applied to an existing installation. Updates are not a complete installation of MATLAB; only affected files and products in the existing installation are modified.

  2. How do I find out when an Update is available?

    You will receive a notification on the MATLAB desktop when an Update is available. You can also use the Help > Check for Updates menu option on the MATLAB Toolstrip.

  3. How do I install an Update?

    Click Install Update in the notification window or dialog box that appears when you Check for Updates.

  4. How do I learn about what changed in an Update?

    Release notes for this update and previous releases are available on the right side of this page.

  5. When I download the release from mathworks.com, am I getting the latest Update?

    Yes. A new installation of MATLAB includes the latest Updates.

  6. Do I need to install previous Updates before installing the latest Update?

    No. You can install the latest Update on an existing installation of the original release or any previous Update. Each Update also contains all the fixes in previous Updates for that release.

  7. What should I do if I use MATLAB Parallel Server?

    The recommended practice is to update all workers and hosts to the same Update level.

  8. Can I install an Update for a single product?


  9. Can I install an Update on a machine without Internet access?

    Yes. Contact us for details.

  10. How can I tell which Update I have installed?

    The installed Update appears on the splash screen, which is shown during startup or when you click Help > About. It can also be returned by the version command.

  11. For example:
    >> version -description

    ans =

        'Update 1'

  12. Are Updates available for releases prior to R2019a?

    See this MATLAB Answers post for more information.

  13. What is the difference between an upgrade and an Update?

    Updates are a set of fixes for an existing installation. Upgrades are an entirely new installation of newer release (e.g., R2018a to R2018b). Upgrade to the newest versions of your products to access the latest improvements and capabilities.

    If you have other questions, contact us.