MATLAB for Enterprise-Scale Applications - MATLAB & Simulink

MATLAB for Enterprise-Scale Applications

Organizations worldwide use MATLAB® to power math-intensive systems for predictive analytics, financial modeling, image and signal processing, control systems, and many other applications.

Ranked among the world’s most-used programming languages, MATLAB is selected for its prebuilt computational methods, high-speed numerics, and integration with today’s IT infrastructures.

Professional software development with a full-featured interactive development environment: The MATLAB development environment features source control, debugging, static code analysis, visual editors, and performance profiling.

Scalable computing environment: Utilize your investments in compute clusters, including Hadoop clusters and GPUs, both locally and on the cloud with native multicore support and customizable parallelization.

A full set of APIs for production systems: Use out-of-the-box integration with business applications. APIs in C++, Java, .NET, and Python enable custom adaptation to any IT architecture.

Support for your secure environment: MATLAB operates within Kerberos-enabled compute and Hadoop clusters, provides tools for creating encrypted executables and deployable archives, and offers an application server with SSL based authentication and secure (https) connections.

"MathWorks Consultants were well-qualified, professional, and fast. They understood not only the technical issues but also the business goals, which is essential when working on a core business system. We got more than we expected from MathWorks Consulting."

Analyze Data from Multiple Sources

From a single integrated environment, MATLAB can access data from a variety of sources and formats including:

  • SQL and NoSQL databases (ODBC-compliant and JDBC-compliant), data warehouses, and distributed file systems (Hadoop)
  • Financial data servers to access live and historical market data
  • Internet of Things devices
  • OPC servers to access live and historical industrial plant data
  • File I/O including text, spreadsheet, XML, CDF/HDF, image, audio, video, geospatial, and web content

"MATLAB is one of the differentiators for us on client engagements. No matter what industry our client is in, and no matter what data they ask us to analyze—text, audio, images, or video—MATLAB enables us to provide clear results faster."

Develop Software in a Professional Environment

The MATLAB language and IDE provide you with a streamlined software development experience featuring:

MATLAB also provides a flexible, two-way integration with other programming languages like C++, Java, .NET, and Python, for which you can use any IDE, including Microsoft® Visual Studio® and Eclipse™.

"I estimate that we can develop 90% faster with MATLAB than we could with C/C++ or Visual Basic—which means we can get to market faster."

Scale Computations on Clusters

In interpreted mode, MATLAB runs much faster than R or Python. MATLAB algorithms written for serial execution require minimal modification to run in parallel mode. Parallelized algorithms automatically scale along your parallel computing infrastructure, which includes:

  • Cloud computing, computer cluster, and grid support
  • Support for CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPUs
  • Full use of multicore processors on the desktop
  • Interactive and batch execution of parallel applications
  • MapReduce programming scalable to Hadoop clusters

"Our solution required a Windows client and Linux server software. We used MATLAB to rapidly develop both by taking advantage of distributed computing, a MEX-file interface to access our financial data, and fast, built-in functions for optimization, regression, and more."

Deploy Applications to Production Systems

Models developed in MATLAB can be deployed on your choice of platforms and applications royalty-free:

  • Integrate into production IT environments without having to recode
  • Get out-of-the-box integration with business applications, such as Excel®, or analytics platforms such as Hadoop
  • Perform custom deployment to desktop applications and cloud or web servers via API’s in common programming languages such as C/C++, Java, .NET, and Python

"With MATLAB Compiler SDK, we packaged our MATLAB analytics for use in a production .NET environment. This capability streamlined the entire development and deployment process by decoupling quantitative development from front end development."