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PCB Antenna and Fabrication

PCB antennas, Gerber file writer and reader, RF connectors, manufacturing services

Use Antenna Toolbox™ to design custom PCB antennas for practical designs such as cell phones, RFID, and IoT applications. Prototype and implement simulated PCB antennas by specifying the RF connector suitable for your application and customizing the PCB manufacturing services.

Combine geometrical shapes and mathematical operations to create unique antenna geometries that meet for your antenna specifications. For example, you can use these objects and functions in pcbStack, to create single or multi-layered PCB-based antenna designs.

You can also use PCB Antenna Designer app to design, analyze, and export single or multi-feed PCB antennas.


PCB Antenna DesignerDesign, analyze, optimize, and export single or multifeed PCB antennas (Since R2021b)


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pcbStackSingle feed or multi-feed PCB antenna
PCBReaderImport and update Gerber files (Since R2020b)
PCBWriterCreate PCB board definitions from 2-D antenna designs
PCBConnectorsRF connector at antenna feed point
PCBServicesCustomize PCB file generation for PCB manufacturing service
stlFileCheckerDetect and list bad features of STL files (Since R2021b)
antenna.CircleCreate circle centered at origin on xy-plane
antenna.EllipseCreate ellipse centered at origin on xy-plane (Since R2020a)
antenna.PolygonCreate polygon on xy-plane
antenna.RectangleCreate rectangle centered at origin on xy-plane
antenna.TriangleCreate triangle on xy-plane (Since R2023a)


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gerberWriteGenerate Gerber files
gerberReadCreate PCBReader object with specified Gerber and drill files (Since R2020b)
layoutDisplay array or PCB stack layout
arrayCreate array of PCB stack objects (Since R2021a)
addBoolean unite operation on two shapes
subtractBoolean subtraction operation on two shapes
plusJoin two shapes
minusCarve a shape from other shape
intersectIntersection of shape1 and shape2
andBoolean intersection operation on two shapes
areaCalculate area of 2-D shapes in square meters
getShapeVerticesFind shape vertices (Since R2023b)
meshMesh properties of metal, dielectric antenna, or array structure
plotPlot boundary of 2-D shape
showDisplay antenna, array structures, shapes, or platform
scaleChange size of shape by fixed factor
translateMove shape to new location
rotateRotate shape about axis by angle
rotateXRotate shape about x-axis by angle
rotateYRotate shape about y-axis by angle
rotateZRotate shape about z-axis by angle
mirrorXMirror shape along x-axis (Since R2022a)
mirrorYMirror shape along y-axis (Since R2022a)
shapesExtract and modify metal layers from PCBReader object (Since R2020b)

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