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Custom 2-D and 3-D Antenna

Custom antenna, stereolithography files, custom 2-D meshes and geometry, geometrical shapes, mathematical operators

Create a custom antenna by importing a planar mesh or defining the antenna geometry using built-in 2-D shapes or shapes created by performing various operations on these built-in shapes.

Use stereolithography (STL) files or shapes with material properties to create custom 2-D or 3-D antenna. Define the feed for this arbitrary element and analyze the antenna or array using existing analysis functions.

Use this custom antenna as an exciter for backing structures, an element in arrays, an element in the platform installed antenna, or an element in the plane wave excitation environment.


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customAntennaMeshCreate 2-D custom mesh antenna on xy-plane
customArrayMeshCreate 2-D custom mesh antenna array on xy-plane
customAntennaGeometryCreate antenna represented by 2-D custom geometry
customArrayGeometryCreate array represented by 2-D custom geometry
customAntennaCreate custom antenna from geometric shapes (Since R2023b)
customAntennaStlCreate custom 3-D antenna geometry using STL, STEP, or IGES files (Since R2020a)
antenna.CircleCreate circle centered at origin on xy-plane
antenna.EllipseCreate ellipse centered at origin on xy-plane (Since R2020a)
antenna.PolygonCreate polygon on xy-plane
antenna.RectangleCreate rectangle centered at origin on xy-plane
antenna.TriangleCreate triangle on xy-plane (Since R2023a)
shape.CircleCreate circle centered at origin on xy-plane (Since R2023b)
shape.EllipseCreate ellipse centered at origin on xy-plane (Since R2023b)
shape.PolygonCreate polygon on xy-plane (Since R2023b)
shape.RectangleCreate rectangle centered at origin on xy-plane (Since R2023b)
shape.BoxCreate closed box centered at origin (Since R2023b)
shape.OpenBoxCreate open box centered at origin (Since R2023b)
shape.CylinderCreate closed cap cylinder centered at origin (Since R2023b)
shape.OpenCylinderCreate open cap cylinder centered at origin (Since R2023b)
shape.SphereCreate sphere centered at origin (Since R2023b)
shape.Custom3DCreate custom 3-D shape from other shapes or triangulation (Since R2023b)


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addBoolean unite operation on two shapes
subtractBoolean subtraction operation on two shapes
andBoolean intersection operation on two shapes
intersectIntersection of shape1 and shape2
minusCarve a shape from other shape
plusJoin two shapes
areaCalculate area of 2-D shapes in square meters
getShapeVerticesFind shape vertices (Since R2023b)
meshMesh properties of metal, dielectric antenna, or array structure
plotPlot boundary of 2-D shape
showDisplay antenna, array structures, shapes, or platform
showFacesShow face numbers of box (Since R2023b)
scaleChange size of shape by fixed factor
translateMove shape to new location
rotateRotate shape about axis by angle
rotateXRotate shape about x-axis by angle
rotateYRotate shape about y-axis by angle
rotateZRotate shape about z-axis by angle
mirrorXMirror shape along x-axis (Since R2022a)
mirrorYMirror shape along y-axis (Since R2022a)
createHoleCreate a 2-D hole on custom shape (Since R2023b)
deleteFacesDelete specified faces of box (Since R2023b)
extrudeExtrude 2-D shape on another shape (Since R2023b)
extrudeLinearLinearly extrude 2-D shape along specified direction (Since R2023b)
extrudeRotateExtrude 2-D shape by angle about z-axis (Since R2023b)
imprintShapeImprint 2-D shape on another shape (Since R2023b)
removeFacesInteractively select and remove 3-D shape faces (Since R2023b)

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