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Code Prover Analysis with MATLAB Scripts

Check C/C++ code for defects using MATLAB® M-files

If you use MATLAB as a scripting language, you can run Polyspace® from MATLAB. To begin, perform a one-time setup to link Polyspace and MATLAB. See Integrate Polyspace with MATLAB and Simulink.

After the setup, you can run all Polyspace functions from MATLAB. In particular, you can setup a polyspace.Project object to run a Polyspace analysis and read the results into a MATLAB table.


polyspace.Project Run Polyspace analysis on C and C++ code and read results
polyspace.GenericTargetOptionsCreate a generic target configuration
polyspace.CodingRulesOptionsCreate custom list of coding rules to check
polyspace.CodeProverResultsRead Polyspace Code Prover results from MATLAB


polyspace.Project.Configuration PropertiesCustomize Polyspace analysis of handwritten code with options object properties


polyspacesetupIntegrate Polyspace installation with Simulink
polyspacerootGet Polyspace installation folder
polyspaceCodeProverRun Polyspace Code Prover verification from MATLAB
polyspaceConfigureCreate Polyspace project from your build system at the MATLAB command line
polyspace_reportGenerate reports from Polyspace analysis results


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