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Input/Output of model reference out of specified range

Input or output of generated code from model reference outside of range specified in model


This check determines if the values of the input or output parameters of the code generated from referenced model fall outside the range specified in the model. The range is specified by the Minimum and Maximum attributes of the inport and outport of the corresponding referenced model.

The result of the check depends on these parameters:

Diagnosing This Check

To diagnose this check, read the message on the Result Details pane. The message shows the expected range of an input or output as well as the actual value:

results details showing expected and actual values of input and output

To investigate the root cause of the issue further, return to the model and identify which inport or outport causes the issue. For details, see Verify If Input and Output of Referenced Model Are Within Bounds.

Check Information

Group: Other
Language: C
Acronym: simulink_design_minmax
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