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Review Polyspace Results on AUTOSAR Code

This topic describes a component-based approach to verifying AUTOSAR code with Polyspace®. For an integration analysis approach, see Choose Between Component-Based and Integration Analysis of AUTOSAR Code with Polyspace.

This tutorial describes how to open Polyspace Code Prover™ results for AUTOSAR-specific code and interpret results that highlight violation of data constraints in the ARXML.

Code Prover checks the code implementation of AUTOSAR software component-s for mismatch with specifications in the ARXML. For instance, if an RTE function argument has a value outside the constrained range defined in the ARXML, the analysis flags a possible issue.

To follow the steps in this tutorial, run Polyspace on the demo files in polyspaceroot\polyspace\examples\doc_cxx\polyspace_autosar. Use the information in this tutorial to review the AUTOSAR-specific results. For help on running analysis, see Run Polyspace on AUTOSAR Code.

Open Results

If you run the analysis in the Polyspace user interface, you can open each result directly. Double-click the result that you want to open.

If you run the analysis by using scripts, after analysis, you can open the results in several ways.

  • Open the file psar_project.xhtml from your project folder in a web browser. You see an overview of results for all software components and navigate to results for each software component. For more information, see See Overview of Results for all Software Components.

  • Open the file psar_project.psprj from your project folder in the Polyspace user interface. Open each result on the Project Browser pane.

  • Navigate to the folders containing the individual results files. Open a result file (with extension .pscp) in the Polyspace user interface.

    The results files are stored in a subfolder AUTOSAR of the project folder. The path to each result follows the fully qualified name of the internal behavior of the software component. For instance, for a fully qualified name pkg.component.bhv, the results are stored in AUTOSAR\pkg\component\bhv\verification (the final subfolder is named CP_Result if you run a verification in the Polyspace user interface).

See Overview of Results for all Software Components

Before opening a specific result set, you might want to see an overview of results for all software components. Do one of the following:

Use the first method for easier understanding of results.

In the file psar_project.xhtml, click the icon on the upper left. On the left pane, click Behaviors. You can see the list of all software components whose internal behavior-s are extracted.

You can filter this list to display only the software components that you are interested in. To see specific software components, in the search box, enter the fully qualified name of the software component that you are interested in.

You can also enter regular expressions to see multiple components. For instance, to see all components whose qualified names begin with pkg.tst002.swc001, enter the expression:


Click Search. The list on the right displays only the software components that you queried for.

You can also filter out components based on other criteria:

  • Success or failure of verification

    To see only software components that completed verification, click and then clear the error status filter.

  • Presence or absence of certain kinds of results, for instance, red checks

    To see only software components that have red checks, click everything on the row containing the red filter except the red filter itself.

See Runnables and Source Files in Software Component

For each software component, you can see this information in the file psar_project.xhtml in your project folder (see the preceding figure).

  • The state of this software component with respect to the analysis. That is, whether the software component specification was parsed, its source code extracted, and then analyzed with Code Prover.

    To make sure that the Code Prover analysis was complete, under the section Verification of extracted implementation code, look for this statement:

    State after last command execution: updated.

  • Functions provided by this software component and the Rte_ functions used.

    To see this list, click the link:

    See key autosar definition for this behavior

  • Graphical view of runnables in the software component. The graphical view shows:

    • Entry-point functions implementing the runnables and their callees

    • Files containing these functions

    To see this view, in the list of software components on the left pane, click the (behavior graph) icon for the software component you are interested in. To return from the graph to the textual description of the software component, click the (behavior page) icon.

    In this example, you see that the software component with internal behavior bhv001 has three runnables implemented through the entry-point functions foo, init, and step. All three entry-point functions are defined in the file swc001.c.

    The function step calls functions defined in other files, for instance, dep3.c. You can click the icon for step to see only the files involved in the implementation of the runnable step. To revert to the full graphical view of the software component, click anywhere in the blank space in the graph.

  • Overview of Code Prover results with links to the result files.

    Look for lines like these lines:

    Verification results are in summary: green check=84, orange check=2, red check=1
    Click the link following the line to open the result file in the Polyspace user interface. If you haven't opened a .pscp file before, clicking the link might simply download the result file. Make sure that .pscp files always open in the Polyspace user interface (with the executable polyspaceroot\polyspace\bin, where polyspaceroot is the Polyspace installation folder).

    The results consist of AUTOSAR-specific run-time checks such as Invalid result of AUTOSAR runnable implementation and general C/C++ run-time checks such as Division by zero.

Interpret AUTOSAR Specific Run-time Checks for Software Component

On the Results List pane, select the result Invalid result of AUTOSAR runnable implementation or Invalid use of AUTOSAR runtime environment function. Investigate the result further by using the information on various panes.

Check Return Value and Arguments

Using the information on the Result Details pane, determine whether the return value or an argument violates data constraints in the ARXML or can be NULL-valued. Look for the ! icon that indicates a definite error or the ? icon that indicates a possible error.

For the return value and each argument, you see the actual possible values at run time and the values allowed by the data type in the ARXML specification. Compare them and find the value that is not allowed.

The result Invalid result of AUTOSAR runnable implementation determines if the return value of the function implementing the runnable or the output arguments can violate the data constraints. The result Invalid use of AUTOSAR runtime environment function determines if the input arguments to an Rte_ function violates data constraints.

Check Argument Spec (Optional)

Sometimes, you might want to see the Application Data Type from which the variable Base Software Type originates. Click the blue parameter spec link and see the ARXML extract that describes this information about the parameter or return value data type:

  • Application Data Type, Implementation Data Type, and Base Software Type

  • Data Constraint, Unit, and Computation Method

Find Root Cause of Result

Investigate how the variable acquires the values that violate the data constraints. To trace back in your code, on the Source pane, right-click a variable and search for all its instances or navigate to its definition. For more tips, see Interpret Code Prover Results in Polyspace Desktop User Interface or Interpret Code Prover Results in Polyspace Access Web Interface (Polyspace Access).

Decide whether to fix your code or ARXML, or justify the result through comments. See Address Results in Polyspace User Interface Through Bug Fixes or Justifications or Address Results in Polyspace Access Through Bug Fixes or Justifications (Polyspace Access).

See Also


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