Information about filter System object
Obtain Raised Cosine Filter Information
Obtain short-format and long-format information about a raised cosine filter.
txfilter = comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter; info(txfilter)
ans = 10x62 char array
'Discrete-Time FIR Multirate Filter (real) '
'----------------------------------------- '
'Filter Structure : Direct-Form FIR Polyphase Interpolator'
'Interpolation Factor : 8 '
'Polyphase Length : 11 '
'Filter Length : 81 '
'Stable : Yes '
'Linear Phase : Yes (Type 1) '
' '
'Arithmetic : double '
ans = 17x62 char array
'Discrete-Time FIR Multirate Filter (real) '
'----------------------------------------- '
'Filter Structure : Direct-Form FIR Polyphase Interpolator'
'Interpolation Factor : 8 '
'Polyphase Length : 11 '
'Filter Length : 81 '
'Stable : Yes '
'Linear Phase : Yes (Type 1) '
' '
'Arithmetic : double '
' '
'Implementation Cost '
'Number of Multipliers : 81 '
'Number of Adders : 73 '
'Number of States : 10 '
'Multiplications per Input Sample : 81 '
'Additions per Input Sample : 73 '
Input Arguments
— Input filter
System object | comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter
System object
Input filter, specified as one of these of filter System objects.
— Amount of information to display
(default) | 'long'
Amount of filter information to display, specified as one of these values.
–– The function displays the basic filter information. This information is the same as the information output byinfo(rcfilter)
–– The function returns this information about the filter.Specifications such as the filter structure and filter order.
Information about the design method and options.
Performance measurements, such as the passband cutoff or stopband attenuation, for the filter response.
Cost of implementing the filter in terms of operations required to apply the filter to data.
When the filter uses fixed-point arithmetic, the function returns additional information about the filter. This information includes the arithmetic setting and details about the filter internals.
Data Types: char
| string
— Arithmetic type
(default) | 'single'
| 'Fixed'
Arithmetic used in the filter analysis, specified as 'double'
, or 'Fixed'
. When you do not specify
the arithmetic type and the filter System object is unlocked, the analysis tool assumes a double-precision filter. When you
do not specify the arithmetic type and the System object is locked, the function performs the analysis based on the data type of
the locked input.
The 'Fixed'
value applies to filter System objects with fixed-point
properties only.
When you specify this input as 'Fixed'
and the filter object has the data
type of the coefficients set to 'Same word length as input'
, the
arithmetic analysis performed depends on whether the System object is unlocked or locked.
If the System object is unlocked, the analysis object function cannot determine the data type of the coefficients. The function assumes that the data type of the coefficients is signed, has a 16-bit word length, and is autoscaled. The function performs fixed-point analysis based on this assumption.
If the System object is locked –– When the input data type is
, the analysis object function cannot determine the data type of the coefficients. The function assumes that the data type of the coefficients is signed, has a 16-bit word length, and is autoscaled. The function performs fixed-point analysis based on this assumption.
To check if the System object is locked or unlocked, use the isLocked
When you specify this input as 'Fixed'
and the filter object has the data
type of the coefficients set to a custom numeric type, the object function performs
fixed-point analysis based on the custom numeric data type.
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— Filter information
character array
Filter information, returned as a character array.
When you set the
input to'short'
, the function displays basic filter information.When you set the
input to'long'
, the function displays this.Specifications such as the filter structure and filter order.
Information about the design method and options.
Performance measurements, such as the passband cutoff or stopband attenuation, for the filter response.
Cost of implementing the filter in terms of operations required to apply the filter to data.
When the filter uses fixed-point arithmetic, the function returns additional information about the filter. The information includes the arithmetic setting and details about the filter internals.
Version History
Introduced in R2013b
See Also
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