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QPSK Demodulator Baseband

Demodulate QPSK-modulated data

  • QPSK Demodulator Baseband block

Communications Toolbox / Modulation / Digital Baseband Modulation / PSK
Communications Toolbox HDL Support / Modulation / PM


The QPSK Demodulator Baseband block demodulates a signal that was modulated using the quadrature phase shift keying method (QPSK) method. The input is a baseband representation of the modulated signal.

The input must be a complex signal. This block accepts a scalar or column vector input signal. For information about the data types, see Supported Data Types.


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Modulate and demodulate a noisy QPSK signal.

The doc_qpsk_demod model QPSK-modulates random frames of binary data, adds noise to the modulated data, QPSK-demodulates the data, and then calculates the error rate of the received signal.

Running the simulation saves error rate results to the base workspace in the 1-by-3 row vector, ErrorVec. The first element holds the bit error rate (BER).

The AWGN Channel block has Eb/N0 set to 4.3 dB. Run the model to display the error statistics. For an Eb/N0 of 4.3 dB, the resultant BER is approximately 0.01. Your results might vary slightly.

ans =


Increase Eb/N0 for the AWGN to 7 dB. Rerun the simulation, and observe that the BER has decreased.

ans =




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Input QPSK-modulated signal, specified as a complex-valued scalar or vector containing the baseband representation of a QPSK-modulated signal. When the noise variance or signal power result in computations involving extreme positive or negative magnitudes, see Soft-Decision QPSK Demodulation for demodulation decision type considerations.

This port in unnamed on the block until you enable the Var port.

Data Types: double | single | fixed point
Complex Number Support: Yes

Noise variance estimate, specified as a positive scalar.

When the noise variance or signal power result in computations involving extreme positive or negative magnitudes, see Soft-Decision QPSK Demodulation for demodulation decision type considerations.


This parameter applies when you set Noise variance source to Port.

Data Types: double | single


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Output signal, returned as a scalar or column vector. The output is a demodulated version of the PSK-modulated input signal, In.

  • When you set Output type to Integer, the returned output signal elements are integers in the range [0, 3].

  • When you set Output type to Bit, the returned output signal contains a vector with an even number of elements because QPSK has 2 bits per symbol.

This port in unnamed on the block.

Data Types: double | single | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.


Integer or bit pair output indicator, specified as Integer or Bit.

  • When you set Output type to Integer and Constellation ordering to Binary, the block maps the point e(jϕ + jπm/2) to m, where ϕ is the phase offset in radians (Phase offset (rad)) and m is 0, 1, 2, or 3.

  • When you set Output type to Bit and Decision type to Hard decision, the output contains pairs of binary values. The most significant bit (top-most bit in the vector) is the first bit the block outputs.

  • When you set Output type to Bit and Decision type to Log-likelihood ratio or Approximate log-likelihood ratio, the output contains bitwise LLR or approximate LLR values, respectively.

Demodulator output, specified as Hard decision, Log-likelihood ratio, or Approximate log-likelihood ratio. The LLR and approximate LLR outputs are used with error decoders that support soft-decision inputs, such as a Viterbi Decoder, to achieve superior performance. For more information, see Algorithms.

The output values for Log-likelihood ratio and Approximate log-likelihood ratio decision types are of the same data type as the input values.


This parameter applies when you set Output type to Bit.

Source of noise variance estimate, specified as one of these options:

  • To define the noise variance by using the Noise variance parameter, set this parameter to Dialog.

  • To define the noise variance by using the Var port, set this parameter to Port.


This parameter applies when you set Decision type to Log-likelihood ratio or Approximate log-likelihood ratio.

Noise variance estimate, specified as a positive scalar.

When the noise variance or signal power result in computations involving extreme positive or negative magnitudes, see Soft-Decision QPSK Demodulation for demodulation decision type considerations.

This parameter is tunable in normal mode, accelerator mode and rapid accelerator mode. If you use the Simulink Coder™ rapid simulation (RSIM) target to build an RSIM executable, then you can tune the parameter without recompiling the model. Avoiding recompilation is useful for Monte Carlo simulations in which you run the simulation multiple times (perhaps on multiple computers) with different amounts of noise.

Tunable: Yes


This parameter applies when you set Noise variance source to Dialog.

Symbol mapping of integer or bit pair outputs, specified as Gray or Binary.

  • To map symbols using Gray-coded ordering, set this parameter to Gray.

  • To map symbols using binary-coded ordering, set this parameter to Binary.

Phase of the zeroth point of the signal constellation in radians, specified as a scalar.

Data Types

Output data type is the same as the input data type.


This setting applies when you set Output type to Bit and Decision type to Log-likelihood ratio or Approximate log-likelihood ratio.

Output data type of the demodulated signal, specified as one of these options:

  • For integer outputs, the output data type can be set to 'Inherit via internal rule', 'Smallest unsigned integer', double, single, int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, or uint32.

  • For bit outputs, when you set Decision type to Hard decision, the output data type can be set to 'Inherit via internal rule', 'Smallest unsigned integer', double, single, int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, or boolean.

When you set this parameter to 'Inherit via internal rule', the block inherits the output data type from the input port.

  • If the input is a floating-point type (single or double), the output data type is the same as the input data type.

  • If the input data type is fixed-point, the output data type works as if this parameter is set to 'Smallest unsigned integer'.

When you set this parameter to 'Smallest unsigned integer', the output data type is based on the settings that you use in the Hardware Implementation pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box of the model.

  • If ASIC/FPGA is selected in the Hardware Implementation pane, and you set Output type to Bit, the output data type is the ideal minimum one-bit size (ufix(1)). For all other selections, it is an unsigned integer with the smallest available word length large enough to fit 1 bit, usually corresponding to the size of a char (for example, uint8).

  • If ASIC/FPGA is selected in the Hardware Implementation pane, and you set Output type to Integer, the output data type is the ideal minimum two-bit size (ufix(2)). For all other selections, it is an unsigned integer with the smallest available word length large enough to fit 2 bits, usually corresponding to the size of a char (for example, uint8).

For information about specifying data types, see Data Type Assistant.


This parameter applies when you set Output type to Integer or Output type to Bit and Decision type to Hard decision.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | double | fixed pointa, b | integer | single

Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


a Fixed-point inputs must be signed.

b When ASIC/FPGA is selected in the Hardware Implementation Pane, output is ufix(1) for bit outputs, and ufix(ceil(log2(M))) for integer outputs.

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Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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