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Reorder states in state-space models


sys = xperm(sys,P)


sys = xperm(sys,P) reorders the states of the state-space model sys according to the permutation P. The vector P is a permutation of 1:NX, where NX is the number of states in sys. For information about creating state-space models, see ss and dss.


collapse all

Load a previously saved state space model ssF8 with four states.

load ltiexamples
ssF8 =
  A = 
                PitchRate    Velocity         AOA  PitchAngle
   PitchRate         -0.7     -0.0458       -12.2           0
   Velocity             0      -0.014     -0.2904      -0.562
   AOA                  1     -0.0057        -1.4           0
   PitchAngle           1           0           0           0
  B = 
               Elevator  Flaperon
   PitchRate      -19.1      -3.1
   Velocity     -0.0119   -0.0096
   AOA            -0.14     -0.72
   PitchAngle         0         0
  C = 
                  PitchRate    Velocity         AOA  PitchAngle
   FlightPath             0           0          -1           1
   Acceleration           0           0       0.733           0
  D = 
                 Elevator  Flaperon
   FlightPath           0         0
   Acceleration    0.0768    0.1134
Continuous-time state-space model.

Order the states in alphabetical order.

[y,P] = sort(ssF8.StateName);
sys = xperm(ssF8,P)
sys =
  A = 
                      AOA  PitchAngle   PitchRate    Velocity
   AOA               -1.4           0           1     -0.0057
   PitchAngle           0           0           1           0
   PitchRate        -12.2           0        -0.7     -0.0458
   Velocity       -0.2904      -0.562           0      -0.014
  B = 
               Elevator  Flaperon
   AOA            -0.14     -0.72
   PitchAngle         0         0
   PitchRate      -19.1      -3.1
   Velocity     -0.0119   -0.0096
  C = 
                        AOA  PitchAngle   PitchRate    Velocity
   FlightPath            -1           1           0           0
   Acceleration       0.733           0           0           0
  D = 
                 Elevator  Flaperon
   FlightPath           0         0
   Acceleration    0.0768    0.1134
Continuous-time state-space model.

The states in ssF8 now appear in alphabetical order.

Version History

Introduced in R2008b

See Also


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