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Lane marking vertices and faces in driving scenario


[lmv,lmf] = laneMarkingVertices(scenario) returns the lane marking vertices, lmv, and lane marking faces, lmf, contained in driving scenario scenario. The lmf and lmv outputs are in the world coordinates of scenario. Use lane marking vertices and faces to display lane markings using the laneMarkingPlotter function with a bird's-eye plot.


[lmv,lmf] = laneMarkingVertices(ac) returns lane marking vertices and faces in the coordinates of driving scenario actor ac.



collapse all

Create a driving scenario containing a car and pedestrian on a straight road. Then, create and display the lane markings of the road on a bird's-eye plot.

Create an empty driving scenario.

scenario = drivingScenario;

Create a straight, 25-meter road segment with two travel lanes in one direction.

lm = [laneMarking('Solid')
l = lanespec(2,'Marking',lm);
road(scenario,[0 0 0; 25 0 0],'Lanes',l);

Add to the driving scenario a pedestrian crossing the road at 1 meter per second and a car following the road at 10 meters per second.

ped = actor(scenario,'ClassID',4,'Length',0.2,'Width',0.4,'Height',1.7);
car = vehicle(scenario,'ClassID',1);
smoothTrajectory(ped,[15 -3 0; 15 3 0],1);
smoothTrajectory(car,[car.RearOverhang 0 0; 25-car.Length+car.RearOverhang 0 0],10);

Display the scenario and corresponding chase plot.



Run the simulation.

  1. Create a bird's-eye plot.

  2. Create an outline plotter, lane boundary plotter, and lane marking plotter for the bird's-eye plot.

  3. Obtain the road boundaries and target outlines.

  4. Obtain the lane marking vertices and faces.

  5. Display the lane boundaries and lane markers.

  6. Run the simulation loop.

bep = birdsEyePlot('XLim',[-25 25],'YLim',[-10 10]);
olPlotter = outlinePlotter(bep);
lbPlotter = laneBoundaryPlotter(bep);
lmPlotter = laneMarkingPlotter(bep,'DisplayName','Lanes');
while advance(scenario)
    rb = roadBoundaries(car);
    [position,yaw,length,width,originOffset,color] = targetOutlines(car);
    [lmv,lmf] = laneMarkingVertices(car);
    plotOutline(olPlotter,position,yaw,length,width, ...

Input Arguments

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Driving scenario, specified as a drivingScenario object.

Actor belonging to a drivingScenario object, specified as an Actor or Vehicle object. To create these objects, use the actor and vehicle functions, respectively.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Lane marking vertices, returned as a real-valued matrix. Each row of the matrix represents the (x, y, z) coordinates of a vertex.

Lane marking faces, returned as an integer-valued matrix. Each row of the matrix contains the vertex connections that define a face for one lane marking. For more details, see Faces.


This function uses the patch function to define lane marking vertices and faces.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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