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Install Documentation

Since R2023a

By default, when using MATLAB®, you access product documentation on the web. This reduces the installation footprint.

To use documentation when your computer is not connected to the internet—either temporarily or permanently—you can install the documentation on your machine.

  • The documentation installer installs documentation for every product installed on your machine for the release of MATLAB you are using to install the documentation. If you have multiple releases of MATLAB on the same machine, run the installation procedure from each of those MATLAB versions.

  • If MATLAB was installed using a Designated Computer or Network license, you can install the documentation just one time to have it be available to all users on that license using the machine.

  • The amount of disk space the documentation requires depends on how many documentation sets you are installing. The full documentation set requires more than 10 GB of disk space.

When you are ready to begin, select a procedure from the following table.


Your machine is usually connected to the internet when using MATLAB but you work offline occasionally.

Install Documentation for Temporary Offline Use

Your machine is permanently offline.

Install Documentation on Permanently Offline Computers

For administrators: You want to make the documentation available on the network server.

Install Documentation on Network Server


Make sure that the MATLAB installed on the network server includes all the toolboxes and add-ons that clients may use so that the documentation installer knows what product documentation sets to install.

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