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Integrate MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses with an LMS

LMS Administrators and Instructors: Add MATLAB® and Simulink® Online™ Courses to your learning management system (LMS) using LTI, and assign MathWorks® content in LMS courses

MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses integrates with the learning management systems listed in the following sections. Integration with your LMS requires your school to have an Academic Teaching License, Campus-Wide License, or Community and Technical College License. For other product and licensing information, see the Online Training Subscription page.

If you do not see your LMS listed, select Integrate MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses with Other LMS — LTI 1.3. For detailed information on the LTI standards we support, see our IMS Certification page for MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses.

After LMS Administrators integrate MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses with the LMS, instructors can assign MathWorks content in LMS courses.


MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses Integration Using LTI 1.3