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Update project dependencies



updateDependencies(proj) runs a dependency analysis on the specified project to update the known dependencies between project files. After the first dependency analysis, running updateDependencies incrementally updates the results.


updateDependencies(proj,ReanalyzeAll=tf) reanalyzes all files in the project and performs a complete dependency analysis.


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Open the Times Table App project. Use currentProject to create a project object from the currently loaded project.

proj = currentProject;

Update the project dependencies. By default, updateDependencies performs an incremental dependency analysis. For information on reanalyzing all files and performing a complete dependency analysis, see Reanalyze All Project Dependencies.


Get the files required by the timestable.mlapp project file.

g = proj.Dependencies;
requiredFiles = bfsearch(g,which("source/timestable.mlapp"))
requiredFiles =

  2×1 cell array


Open the Times Table App project. Use currentProject to create a project object from the currently loaded project.

proj = currentProject;

Reanalyze all files and perform a complete dependency analysis on your project.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Project, specified as a matlab.project.Project object. Use currentProject to create a project object from the currently loaded project.

True or false, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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