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Additional Capabilities with MATLAB Coder

You can include additional capabilities for MATLAB® Support Package for Raspberry Pi® Hardware if you install MATLAB Coder™.

This table lists the capabilities and differences between using only MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware and using MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware with the installed MATLAB Coder.


MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware only

  • Communicate with the Raspberry Pi hardware remotely from a desktop installation of MATLAB or through a web browser with MATLAB Online™.

  • Acquire data from sensors and imaging devices connected to the Raspberry Pi and then analyze and visualize it in MATLAB.

MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware + MATLAB Coder

  • Communicate with the Raspberry Pi hardware remotely from a desktop installation of MATLAB or through a web browser with MATLAB Online.

  • Acquire data from sensors and imaging devices connected to the Raspberry Pi and then analyze and visualize it in MATLAB.

  • Generate C code from your MATLAB algorithm, and deploy it to run standalone on the Raspberry Pi with MATLAB Coder.

a To check the installed products, go to the Home tab and select Add-Ons > Manage Add-Ons.

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